Jane Doe 3 says if she knew then what she knows now, she would have been more careful and more precise in her words, in her details, in her language, in reporting to the police etc. The thing is, it doesn't matter what she did, the defence would find a way to find fault with what she said. They would say her language was TOO precise, TOO unnatural, TOO much. That's what they do.

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E Jean Carrol and Jane Doe 3 and Zooey Zephyr are all heroes today for standing up to abusers

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Great, Tony. Thank you for your hard work!

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Tony said he was doing his notes in the hallway when Danny and Bijou came out of the courtroom and walked past him, and Tony heard Bijou say "Well, of COURSE, they're ALL LYING!"

So here's a thought. You're married for many years, you have a family together. You've been living with this charge over your lives for many years. You've sat through a preliminary hearing, a trial, and now a retrial. You're also waiting on a civil trial. Surely you've discussed all the ins and outs of all of these proceedings and the havoc it's wreaking in your home. And STILL, you feel you have to say to your husband, the accused, at this stage of the game: "Well, of COURSE, they're ALL LYING!"

Doesn't that ring a little off to you? A little, shall we say, desperate? Insecure? Weird?

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Great reporting! Well done!

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I said it before: Holley is 1.1.

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Nxt door blocking me listening to Tony ortaga

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