We’re reporting this morning from Judge Charlaine Olmedo’s courtroom, where we’re acting as pool reporter during the jury selection phase of Danny Masterson’s retrial.
What follows is the same report we sent out to reporters who had asked to receive a copy…
Jurors back in the courtroom.
Juror 169. Man. Works for Cisco systems. Knows who Mr. Masterson is but not about the case. Because you watched a TV show? Yes. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 170. Man. Significant other is attorney, commercial litigation. Child in college studies political science. He wants to be the president. Criminal jury, it was 25 years ago, probation violation. DUI, himself, about 25 years ago. In Palo Alto. Interesting response to being fair about sexual or firearm cases. He says if law is fair. So she brings up jury nullification, that that is jury misconduct. I need to know, whatever your personal feelings are, could you follow my instructions? He's waffling. That may be difficult, your honor. Interesting. Scientology is a client of his wife's law firm. She does not work on that account.
Juror 171. Man. Retired police for city of Pasadena. Wife there. Adult child is a machinist. Can you judge a police officer fairly? To a higher standard. Scientology, back in the 1980s researched it and tried to read Dianetics and realized it wasn't for him. And heard about the case but no details. Fair? Yes. I have lots of injuries and sitting here is difficult. Please feel free to stand up if you need to. Was a detective for Pasadena, sexual investigations. Still says he could be impartial.
Juror 172. Woman. Retired script supervisor, and child in film industry. Any relation to Masterson projects? No. Says she's pretty squeamish about any violence, so she's concerned about being impartial about the subject matter. And Scientology, things I've seen over the years, and read over the years. I think it's ridiculous and I can't imagine why anyone would get involved in something that's a cult. I don't know if I could be impartial.
Juror 176. Woman. Fair? Yes.
Juror 177. Man. Telecommunication engineer, bringing Internet to your home. Incident involving sister 20 years ago, prosecuted? No. Might affect him, but willing to listen to both sides. Has heard a little about the case, from reading articles on Yahoo, stuff like that. Familiar with his sitcom. Fair? Yes.
Juror 179. Man. Has a problem hearing. Where in LA? San Fernando. Can you be fair to both sides? Not good with English. What's your language? Polish. Understands about 50 percent.
Juror 180. Man. Significant other works for nonprofit, Christmas cares, food program for children. Can you judge police fairly? Yes. The incident with your wife 30 years ago, happened before you knew her? Yes. And father's experience? 30 years ago. Was that here in Los Angeles? In Pomona. Fair? Yes.
Juror 181. Woman. Have you ever worked with patients who were victims of rape? No, I worked surgical patients. Scientology, your knowledge is Tom Cruise? Yeah, I saw his last movie. OK. Fair to both sides? Yes.
Juror 182. Man. What part of LA? Mid-city. Work with a lot of law enforcement? No. Criminal jury? In 2009 or 2010, drug sales. Can you be fair? I most certainly can.
Juror 183. Man. Retired from the USPS. Can you judge a police officer fairly? Yes. Scientology on the news, TV, about celebrities. Heard about this case on the news? I heard the first trial last year, and that's about it. Can you push to the side anything you might have heard about any prior proceeding? Yes. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 184. Man. Have you worked with patients who were victims of rape? No. Can you be fair? Yes. Attends a school every Friday, 9 to 7.
Juror 185. Woman. You have kind of a crazy schedule, seems like it would be difficult for you. That's true.
Juror 186. Man. Any chance your college student is at UCLA? She is. Good for her! You've seen a report about this case on the news? Just the headline? Can you be fair? Yes. I have a vacation at the end of June.
Juror 187. Woman. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 188. Woman. Which part of fair? Santa Monica. Retired, what did you sell? Fabric store. (Hard to understand her.) Fair? Yes.
Juror 189. Woman. What part of LA? Arlington Heights. Experiences with law enforcement, can you judge police officer fairly? Possibly. Not sure. For a bunch of different stuff. Incident that happened to you 20 years ago, was it ever reported. No, afraid of retaliation. Do you think you could be fair here? I'm afraid not.
Juror 191. Man. Works for a financial software firm. Criminal jury, 7 or 8 years ago, federal medicare fraud case. Judge a police officer fairly? Yes. And the incident in 2011, a family member? Yes. My nephew. Here in LA? This same courthouse. Did you go to court in support of him? Yes. Do you feel that he was treated fairly? I think he was treated fairly. Can you be fair here? Yes. Doctor appointments for early June.
Juror 192. Woman. Clerical work for LA County. Civil juries, and one criminal a long time ago. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 193. Woman. A sworn federal officer. Can you judge police officer fairly? Yes. And anything about your uncle 20 years ago would impact you? No. You've watched something on Scientology, but turned it off. An actress who got out of it, but it got really boring. And something basic about this case. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 194. Woman. What part of LA? West side. Child who is a real estate lawyer. And she thinks she'd have a hard time being fair in a case with sex charges. It's going to be hard for her.
Juror 195. Man. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 196. Man. Significant other writes for TV shows. Anything about crime or courts? No. Anything about Masterson family? No. Scientology, he watched Going Clear on HBO. A couple of years ago. And the South Park episode. Still be fair? Yes. This case, read some headlines. He reads the trades and so he sees the headline. Can be fair to both sides. He has a Hawaii vacation booked for June 17. He's at DWP.
Juror 198. Woman. Retired from postal service. Civil jury, property damage, 20 years ago. The incident in 1975, involved her. She was 18. Can she be fair? Yes. Also watched a Scientology documentary, but also has read comparative religion stuff. I don't have a high regard for it, but I think I can judge an individual according to the evidence.
Juror 199. Woman. Dealt with patients who had been raped? No. Criminal juries, three. Murder case 15 years ago. Judge a police officer fairly? Yes. Scientology, seen a documentary, a 20/20 or 48 Hours program from about 10 years ago. And commercials by Scientology. Can you be fair to both sides? Yes.
Juror 200. Woman. I work for Metropolitan water district, a government agency. Can you be fair? Yes. One of the doctor witnesses, I work in worker's compensation, and he has treated some of our workers. I don't know him. Dr. Fraser.
Juror 201. Woman. Retired from Metro water district as an accountant. Criminal jury, 15 years ago, robbery. Fair to both sides? Yes. Going on vacation with family in mid June.
Juror 202. Man. Worked at security. Partner is retired from retail. Judge a police officer fairly? I can. Financial hardship, security firm doesn't pay.
Juror 203. Woman. Video editor of trailers. You've seen some shows about Scientology, and have a general knowledge. Yeah, seen the Leah Remini doc. Didn't know this case was still going on until yesterday. Can you be fair? Yes. Vacation June 6 to 9.
Juror 204. Woman. Works for an insurance business. Partner retired from electronics sales. Child who is a federal agent, DCIS. Scientology, you have heard of it, just celebrities. Can you be fair? I will be try. Depending on the evidence.
Juror 206. Man. Automated temperature monitoring systems for hospitals. Can be fair? Yes.
Juror 208. Woman. Ever dealt with victims of sexual assault? Victims and perpetrators. Can you judge police fairly? Yes. The incident with yourself in college, can you still be fair? Yes. Scientology, not familiar with practices. Not really familiar with this case. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 209. Woman. Retired from company that provided private aircraft insurance. Jury about 15 years, child abuse. Watched some of Leah Remini's show. Doesn't really remember what she said. About a year ago or so. You can be fair? Yes.
Juror 210. Man. Asst AG for State of Illinois. Civil law only. Did practice some criminal law early in his career. Two adult children one is screenwriter, the other journalist. Scientology, you have some general knowledge, with some negative views of it. Can you be fair evaluating it? I can judge a person guilty or innocent regardless to their beliefs. Partner is a professor of psychology and focusing on sexual abuse, and so he tends to believe the victim. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 211. Woman. Incidents with family members. Federal cases in LA. Scientology, you've seen some billboards and TV, and people walking around Hollywood. Can you be fair? Yes
Juror 212. Woman. I worked for a dentist. Criminal jury, 25, 30 years ago. Several juries. A child death. Only one mistrial. Difficult for her to be fair in a case with sexual and firearm evidence. Also hard of hearing and medical issues/
Juror 213. Woman. What part of LA? Eagle Rock. Retired as a phlebotomist. Civil jury 15 years ago. Can you be fair? Yes.
Juror 217. Woman. Retired from pharmacy technician. Husband teaches middle school. Civil jury about 20 years ago. Judge a police officer fairly? Yes. Would have a hard time being fair in case about sex or firearms. Gives me anxiety.
We will break for the day. Everyone back in the morning. The jurors file out.
Juror 113 is excused.
Starting at 8:15 tomorrow.
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"You've watched something on Scientology, but turned it off. An actress who got out of it, but it got really boring." Is anyone else thinking this is a little odd? It sounds like something a Scientologist would say. "Oh, all the criticism of Scientology is really boring. Not worth watching."