I guess all my 'postulating' that CoS would crumble wasn't enough. Don't give up hope Plaintiffs - I know it's rough, but we're all still behind you 100%
I c an feel the turmoil for Jane Doe with what I characterize as corrupt justice. I get why Missavage weighs in heavily, but he shouldn't. The court should issue him a contempt and stick his ass in a jail cell right next to DM!!!
Miscavige got a delay. I hope this works against him and all the cases pile up on him at once. Cue new IAS fundraiser to fund the interminable appeal.
I guess all my 'postulating' that CoS would crumble wasn't enough. Don't give up hope Plaintiffs - I know it's rough, but we're all still behind you 100%
I c an feel the turmoil for Jane Doe with what I characterize as corrupt justice. I get why Missavage weighs in heavily, but he shouldn't. The court should issue him a contempt and stick his ass in a jail cell right next to DM!!!