After the lunch break...
At about 3:30, the jury has a question.
Attorneys in place, the Mastersons in place. Gallery packed. (Including some college students.)
We're waiting for Judge Olmedo.
Robert the clerk is speaking to the attorneys for both sides.
Judge Olmedo calls for a sidebar. (No court reporter present.)
They want a read-back but they can't do it until the morning?
She calls them up again, apparently to go over her response to the jury?
Cohen and Mueller are looking at it.
She says she's going to put on her robe and get it on the record.
Judge Olmedo: The jury sent out a note, indicating... "May we have [Jane Doe 3's] testimony read back regarding the November 2001 incident, all accounts, including cross-examination, and ensure it is read at a slower pace."
There's no court reporter. Judge Olmedo stops, and says we need to get her.
Take two. She reads the note again.
The court's response: The court reporter is preparing it, this will take time, we will call you out to the court when it is ready. The read-back will be ready in the morning. The court reporter will continue working on it now.
She asks the attorneys to be here at 8:30 am for any issues about the read-back.
Judge Olmedo. The request was very broad, anything regarding to the Nov 2001 incident from either side. Any issues from the attorneys, they can bring it up in the morning.
Well, we can tell you this is going to be a LONG read-back tomorrow. The November 2001 incident came up multiple times during testimony, including with the detectives. We may spend a considerable portion of the morning on it.
We’ll be here!
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Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
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I need a beer.
I pretty much remember the testimony. I'm not on the jury and don't need the testimony read back to me.
Their talking and working this out. Maybe the break was a good idea.