Ya know, if LRH was ever actually reincarnated, this is exactly how I’d want it to go.
Born in the body of a man who keeps getting thrown into prison for his crimes + shunned by the original criminal enterprise that used to obey every word.
One of the few bits of advice my mother left me with was ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’
Well that’s just fine if you are sitting next to a stranger on a bus or it’s a bum asking for drug money but there are times when one must warn the tribe - DANGER ⚠️ walk far away.
I feel sad for the 15-20 persons swept up in this guys new ‘tech’ but actually I feel bad for anyone who mixes up the human phenomenon which occurs when one experiences awe, infatuation, exhilaration and incorrectly assigns the cause as anything other then the body’s own ability to produce opiates on occasions which seem to forward their own goals.
When I was 21 in 1974 I was similarly swept up by scientology. This went on for 8 or so years but I stayed for 40.
‘Blinded by the light’ comes to mind.
Jon Atack is doing a very good job with his friends breaking down how exactly this happens. In another year or two I expect I’ll understand it well enough it could be a children’s book. People do need to be warned.
I'd love to see a Children's Book warning about Scientology.
But just explaining Scientology's nuts and bolts, the past lives memories supposedly alleviated through the Scientology quack pseudo-therapy, and then on top of that nuttiness, explaining Scientology's exorcism procedures to remove the body-thetans off their bodies, and why they do this, would all be almost detrimental to explain and load onto a child.
Best, I think to have books for adults, so that when anyone "grows up to legal age" they can read about the nuts and bolts of the Hubbard spiritual quackery and exorcism practices.
The bureaucracy and nasty institutionalized rules and policies of official Scientology, all the "baggage" that Hubbard forces on the staffs and followers of the Hubbard quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism, is pretty extensively spelled out now.
The quackery basics, could use more word of mouth spreading if you ask me.
Scientology is quackery soul memories alleviation and quackery exorcism.
"...so I would like your feedback in the group or maybe someone can do a survey?"
Hey Ron, I've had a chat with the lads. Me and Jim are a definite "yes", but Bob told me to "piss off, how many times must I tell you that just because I agreed to meet you and Jim for a pint that one time doesn't mean I joined your weird little collective?".
So, excellent news: 100% of the group backs you, Ron.
I'm picturing three heads popping up excitedly from their COPS holes, keenly ready to report for duty, but vanishing quick smart when they spot the bear bones.
Lron 2.O is just as much fun as the original. But this one has actual felony convictions to claim his space. What kind of idiots are helping/believing in him? If he thinks he is getting out, perhaps he is actually being tried and perhaps convicted? That would necessitate a move to the state prison. So I guess he is going places.
Marcab Issue Authority approves. Marcab's "AVC" hopes that all persons claiming to be L. Ron Hubbard returned, be similarly marginalized as nutty.
Marcab AVC also wishes earthlings to know that the real LRH is still on the OT running program, and Marcab has plans for that Ron, not to be told to earthlings, too bad you guys.
I loved that you used the term "hoosegow"! So funny! This guy, I mean really? It's funny but not really. Thanks for posting, if nothing else, he's entertaining! Now if he could only stay out of jail for a hot minute, but it sounds like he's a lifer in the slammer.
What LRH 1.0 missed, seriously, is that his "tech" (the quackery soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism) is "What Is Scientology."
So, from always, when I thought of the answer to "What Is Scientology?" the answer is the quackery procedures to alleviate one's troubled soul memories, and to alleviate the soul memories leaking into our minds from the surplus souls that infest us, which Xenu dropped all those surplus mentally screwed up souls onto earth (Xenu implanted the R6 implants in them, etc, also).
But the subject of Scientology is our soul memories alleviation, either out own past lives memories, or the memories leaking over to us from the body-thetans (messed up souls, messed up by Xenu).
Hubbard is irrelevant, just do the quackery and see if you can alleviate your soul memories, period.
it's all rubbish, as John Sweeney stated, so of course don't do the Scientology rubbish.
Hubbard was a piece of nutball work, and anyone parading as a Scientology personality is par for that also.
If anyone wants to do the nuttery, just dig it up on the internet, and do it "Solo", but that's not good advice either, since it's quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and won't really do anything but screw you up.
Ya know, if LRH was ever actually reincarnated, this is exactly how I’d want it to go.
Born in the body of a man who keeps getting thrown into prison for his crimes + shunned by the original criminal enterprise that used to obey every word.
One of the few bits of advice my mother left me with was ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’
Well that’s just fine if you are sitting next to a stranger on a bus or it’s a bum asking for drug money but there are times when one must warn the tribe - DANGER ⚠️ walk far away.
I feel sad for the 15-20 persons swept up in this guys new ‘tech’ but actually I feel bad for anyone who mixes up the human phenomenon which occurs when one experiences awe, infatuation, exhilaration and incorrectly assigns the cause as anything other then the body’s own ability to produce opiates on occasions which seem to forward their own goals.
When I was 21 in 1974 I was similarly swept up by scientology. This went on for 8 or so years but I stayed for 40.
‘Blinded by the light’ comes to mind.
Jon Atack is doing a very good job with his friends breaking down how exactly this happens. In another year or two I expect I’ll understand it well enough it could be a children’s book. People do need to be warned.
I'd love to see a Children's Book warning about Scientology.
But just explaining Scientology's nuts and bolts, the past lives memories supposedly alleviated through the Scientology quack pseudo-therapy, and then on top of that nuttiness, explaining Scientology's exorcism procedures to remove the body-thetans off their bodies, and why they do this, would all be almost detrimental to explain and load onto a child.
Best, I think to have books for adults, so that when anyone "grows up to legal age" they can read about the nuts and bolts of the Hubbard spiritual quackery and exorcism practices.
The bureaucracy and nasty institutionalized rules and policies of official Scientology, all the "baggage" that Hubbard forces on the staffs and followers of the Hubbard quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism, is pretty extensively spelled out now.
The quackery basics, could use more word of mouth spreading if you ask me.
Scientology is quackery soul memories alleviation and quackery exorcism.
"...so I would like your feedback in the group or maybe someone can do a survey?"
Hey Ron, I've had a chat with the lads. Me and Jim are a definite "yes", but Bob told me to "piss off, how many times must I tell you that just because I agreed to meet you and Jim for a pint that one time doesn't mean I joined your weird little collective?".
So, excellent news: 100% of the group backs you, Ron.
I'm picturing three heads popping up excitedly from their COPS holes, keenly ready to report for duty, but vanishing quick smart when they spot the bear bones.
I was laughing at bear bones too. At least his followers won’t spend as much time with a dictionary as other freezoners do.
Lron 2.O is just as much fun as the original. But this one has actual felony convictions to claim his space. What kind of idiots are helping/believing in him? If he thinks he is getting out, perhaps he is actually being tried and perhaps convicted? That would necessitate a move to the state prison. So I guess he is going places.
Marcab Issue Authority approves. Marcab's "AVC" hopes that all persons claiming to be L. Ron Hubbard returned, be similarly marginalized as nutty.
Marcab AVC also wishes earthlings to know that the real LRH is still on the OT running program, and Marcab has plans for that Ron, not to be told to earthlings, too bad you guys.
It is sad that he has any followers. It speaks volumes about the gullibility of mankind.
Why did he have to imagine a universe where he is in prison?
My northern hemisphere bro!
He needs...and creates...an "interesting game" , because that's the kind of
big, swinging thetan he is! Prison bars, court convictions? Pah, mere entheta
mock-ups that are "as-ised" by his new and improved tech and postulates!
I loved that you used the term "hoosegow"! So funny! This guy, I mean really? It's funny but not really. Thanks for posting, if nothing else, he's entertaining! Now if he could only stay out of jail for a hot minute, but it sounds like he's a lifer in the slammer.
Bear bones. Heh.
hub clones
cult tones
theta moans
smack jones
Don’t forget “loosing.”
Holy Dragon-Chasing Hoosegow Antics, Batman!
COPS: Conniving Onanist Punk Scam
COPS: Creepy Octahedral Panty Swap
COPS: Cunty Organized Pro Scum
And so forth...
Justin Craig: crackin', jackin', and mackin' like a true Hublardian Intergalactic Dingleberry(HID)
Another test LRH 2.0 failed is the "running program" final "tech" plans of LRH 1.0.
LRH 1.0 his self C/Sed next "case" action was the OT running program.
LRH 2.0 ought to have known this, and had LRH 2.0 had really been LRH 1.0, he'd have spent his "yard" time in jail doing in yard running in circles.
If LRH 2.0 catches wind of this piece of advice, better get onto some running in circles pretty soon, and make it public.
What LRH 1.0 missed, seriously, is that his "tech" (the quackery soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism) is "What Is Scientology."
So, from always, when I thought of the answer to "What Is Scientology?" the answer is the quackery procedures to alleviate one's troubled soul memories, and to alleviate the soul memories leaking into our minds from the surplus souls that infest us, which Xenu dropped all those surplus mentally screwed up souls onto earth (Xenu implanted the R6 implants in them, etc, also).
But the subject of Scientology is our soul memories alleviation, either out own past lives memories, or the memories leaking over to us from the body-thetans (messed up souls, messed up by Xenu).
Hubbard is irrelevant, just do the quackery and see if you can alleviate your soul memories, period.
it's all rubbish, as John Sweeney stated, so of course don't do the Scientology rubbish.
Hubbard was a piece of nutball work, and anyone parading as a Scientology personality is par for that also.
If anyone wants to do the nuttery, just dig it up on the internet, and do it "Solo", but that's not good advice either, since it's quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and won't really do anything but screw you up.
His promise for tech so powerful it can raise the dead does sound like Ron 1.0
Super literate, super sane beings...cuz, "TECK"... ya dig?😉😂😂😂