Incredible video. It is truly amazing that the host says, "incredible INSIGHT we're getting tonight...."

I mean, wow, where have you been? These people have been speaking out for decades and this is how long it takes to get "insight." Well, better late than never. Thank you to Claire, Tony, Chris for your continued "insights."

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Well done Court TV. Every exposure of the Clampire is a very good thing and Leah Remini's lawsuit is going to get a lot of traction in the tabloids and national TV. Put your running shoes on Leah, the marathon is just beginning. Great job by TonyO, Claire, Chris and Vinnie. Vinnie asked very good questions and got excellent answers.

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Great job done by all. Thank you, Tony.

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How nice it would be if this was the beginning of a positive turning point.

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I do agree with the cult here. There are heroes among us. But they are not these people. They are the firefighters, first responders, and neighbors in Maui. They are the soldiers in Ukraine. They are our neighbors in every town who help each other without asking for anything in return. They are activist who fight for democracy and the right to vote.

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Yup, and not a trophy nor a narcissistic, "hey-look-at-me!" booty shake to be seen!

Folks just doin' good things, regardless of who is or isn't watching.

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Tony, makes a perfect point when being interviewed by Vinnie Politan. He gets right to the core of Leah Remini’s lawsuit. He is further into the Court TV video. Chris Shelton is the first interviewee, then Clair Headley then Tony. As usual Tony rocks.🎸👍🏼

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