Scientology’s continuous massive campaign to defame Leah created a mountain of irrefutable evidence. This lawsuit may very well be the final nail in the toxic organizations coffin.

It is slow going and I applaud Leah and her lawyers for their consistent push to move forward.

On a different subject- my documentary BROTHERS BROKEN screens at the Dances With Films festival Dec. 3, 11:15 at the Regal theater at Union Square. Tony Will be there for the Q&A after. If you are in the area please come.

DWF Brothers Broken link


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“Scientology has failed to show that its harassing attacks on her character are actually in the public interest.”

This is the difference between a whistleblower calling out the abusive actions of a high control organization, and an organization deploying resources to discredit, ostracize, terrorize and silence a whistleblower.

This is the difference between people picketing for accountability at a Scientology org, and Scientologists or their agents showing up at your house with signs saying you are a religious bigot or a sex offender.

This is the difference; what Leah is doing is in the public interest. Buyer beware. What Scientology is doing is, as always, only in their own interest.

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“obliterate” and “ruin utterly” are directly from an Lroon screed. I expect that Leah and her lawyers have more than enough evidence to fry Miscavige and his minions. Her suit could break open some more $cieno 'misdeeds' that may help others suing the Clampire.

As is all too usual, the $cieno lawyers are throwing spaghetti at the wall and trying to make something stick. That extra cheap tomato sauce they are using isn't up to the job.

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The abuses that have been perpetrated by this organization are its downfall and like Geoff said, hopefully this lawsuit will be the final nail in the coffin. Hang in there Leah, you are an inspiration to so many. Praying for you and your continued success in your life.

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Cornered again, the church is lashing out at critics across the board. And speaking of lashing, what’s going on with the SPTV wars over on YouTube, and how much of that, and other fracases between critics has been seeded or leveraged by OSA? Disagreements and taking sides have always come and gone, but this seems sudden and widespread among parties that have been allies for years. I honestly don’t have the bandwidth to follow it all.

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Since our proprietor is staying out of the Aftermath drama, I decided to go on Reddit and there's a thread pinned to the top of the r/scientology board that answered most of my questions.

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