One thing that characterizes Scientologists is their confidence that L. Ron Hubbard’s “tech” really can take over the world — “clear the planet,” in Scientology lingo — if they can just get it to enough people.
In an entertaining example of that, one of our readers sent over an interesting appeal that was apparently sent out to Scientology’s Hollywood types recently by producer Jean Dale Glass.
“Jean is a long time child enabler of Scientology. ‘Kids On Stage’ was her project, indoctrinating kids at the Celebrity Centre,” our tipster says.
Jean is apparently pitching a new scheme from WISE — the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises — which worms its way into businesses to “consult” their way into imposing Hubbard tech on how these businesses work. In this case, it’s a WISE consulting firm calling itself EMA, for Effective Management Association, that is branching out and wants to get itself into the movie making game.
A WISE plan to reform Hollywood? Now that’s ambitious!
Here’s the message that went out, which our tipster forwarded to us…
Scientologists who are in the entertainment industry!!!!
We need you!!! Kristin Henry King and Aiden Angeli and I recently partnered up to take on a huge responsibility — Clear Hollywood and bring it back to its purpose. We want to revive the magic of Cinema with the goal to entertain and lift our society up the tone scale. We are the Director and Deputy Director of EMA* Film and are wanting to disseminate Hubbard admin tech in the film industry. This will then be a catalyst to disseminate Scientology in a BIG WAY! We need as many eyeballs as we can, to see this post and fill this survey out!!! And if you aren't in the entertainment industry please tag people that you know are! Thank you!!!
*EMA stands for Effective Management Association and is an Association of WISE members.
What’s needed of you is:
1) Take on a post on the EMA Film Org Board, meet once a week over zoom for about an hour.
2) Be a WISE member and keep stats and use conditions to win. Put in the Model of Admin Know-How: Org Board / Communication System / Staff Training / Management by Statistics /Solvency / Library
3) Help put on seminars/webinars for non-Scientologists once a month that in turn introduce them to the power of the Hubbard Management System
What you get:
1) Community
2) Accountability
3) An aligned group building a powerful CF that can be called upon to make movies and TV that people actually want to see and feel good about after seeing it
4) A Cleared Hollywood
5) A contribution to SCN
6) And becoming a power FSM via WISE
Tag your friends! Who is out there? We are expanding NOW!
*EMA- Effective Management Association (secular name for gung-ho association of WISE members).
If this is of interest to you, please fill out this survey.
Jean Dale Glass
Isn’t that great?
We were curious about what the survey was all about, so we went through it and these are the questions it asked…
— What is your name?
— Please put your email in below. (I promise not to spam you -- your email is safe with me)
— What is the Valuable Final Product that you deliver?
— What does your Ideal Scene look like in the film industry?
— Do you currently track statistics and metrics for your film industry career? (Yes/No)
— If you do not track statistics, what are the reasons behind it?
— Honestly speaking, do you REGULARLY write up and apply conditions to your film industry career?
— When was the last time you received financial compensation for your work in the entertainment industry?
That last one sure seemed relevant. Our Hollywood friends tell us it’s never been more grim than it is right now as almost no one seems to be producing anything in Southern California right now, despite those recent strikes being settled.
Does Scientology think that with so many people idle and hurting for income, it’s the right time to harvest some new souls? (Sorry, thetans.)
Anyway, perhaps the most telling thing about this effort by Glass is that it shows how far Scientology has fallen in Hollywood. In the early 1990s, at Scientology’s height, it threw around a lot of weight in that town and producers were scared shitless of crossing the church.
Now? Worming their way into an unsuspecting production company or two might be the most influence they’ve had in town for years.
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Source Code: Actual things founder L. Ron Hubbard said on this date in history
Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
Past is Prologue: From this week in history at alt.religion.scientology
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"6) And becoming a power FSM via WISE" -- And there it is... took a while for them to get to it, but it never fails.
Effective Management put these electrodes on your head and we'll manage you to a much better future. Or something like that. That 'cleared' future would remove any pretense at social consciousness and fair play. In $cienoville, the only 'fair' is fair game.
Now that Tony has outed EMA as a $cieno front, I doubt that anyone who does a background check will be fooled. Another public service by TonyO and his Bunker.