"6) And becoming a power FSM via WISE" -- And there it is... took a while for them to get to it, but it never fails.

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Effective Management Association...here put these electrodes on your head and we'll manage you to a much better future. Or something like that. That 'cleared' future would remove any pretense at social consciousness and fair play. In $cienoville, the only 'fair' is fair game.

Now that Tony has outed EMA as a $cieno front, I doubt that anyone who does a background check will be fooled. Another public service by TonyO and his Bunker.

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I know Gene Dale Glass. At one time she did have a very young Erica Christianson, Elisabeth Moss and Lyndsey Bartilson as part of her kids performing group. That was over 30 years ago. And maybe Danny Masterson as a 6 year old performed under her direction.

I have not heard of the two women mentioned king and Angeli. I assume they are in show business.

I doubt anything will come from this latest scheme tied to Celebrity Centre. Thanks Tony for outing one more WISE group trying to rope in “raw meat” to convert them to Hubbard’s brainwashing.

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Scientology will never 'clear' Hollywood or the rest of the planet because the state of 'clear' is a myth. 'Clearing the planet' was a brilliant con job by LRH. One of the best books I've read that exposes Scientology is L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman by former Scientologist Bent Corydon. He reveals in the book that Dianetic auditing is actually psychotherapy that Hubbard plagiarized. He changed the terms 'conscious and sub conscious mind' to 'analytical and reactive mind' to make it look like his own writing. Hubbard has to be the most successful con man in history.

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UH NO!! I do not want to watch movies or anything that will attempt to brainwash me to trust LRH had all the answers. If so, wasn't he here long enough to clear the planet??? Sure, I'd like to see more quality movies without all the violent and porn--yes, difficult to find anything worthwhile that doesn't include what the industry calls soft porn.

Thanks for sharing the newest trick, Tony. Please tell Mike and his family, they are in my heart.

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EMA needs to do some handy dandy squirrel OT 3 Group Processing of Xenu's body-thetans, on ZOOM, and get things rolling.

"Let's all locate our key body-thetans/clusters stopping us from rekindling Hollywood's purpose."

"Okay, did you find them?"

"Okay, now, let's all tell these body-thetans to run through Incident II, the Wall of Fire/4th dynamic engram incident. Have you all done that? Good."

Now let's all repeat this, a few times, and "free" all of our body-thetans which are blunting Hollywood's purpose in ourselves.

"Does everyone feel rekindled now!"

Isn't Group Processing OT 3 incredible?

Next week, we'll do some "remote" Group Processing, to free all the body-thetans on the top movers and shakers in Hollywood, and they won't know what wonderful work we are doing to them.

Ghost busting Hollywood! (Freeing Xenu's dump of all of the body-thetans that blunt Hollywood.)

[This is how the EMA OT 8s and above ought to be spending their time on ZOOM.] not, of course. It's all such a futile joke this Hubbard dodging endlessly long runway that leads up to doing the Hubbard incredibly long runway of quackery that ends up exorcising Xenu's earth dumped body-thetans (ghosts) off of their bodies. Just quackery.]

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