Big props to Tony as always, our PROPRIETOR. The GOAT. MEGA TEGA.

No one is producing reports like these.

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Our boy Mueller closing out with a monster of a one-two punch.

Jane Doe #4 - Which will break the back of the Defense's case that this is all about collusion among these 3 women for money and revenge. Will show the jury that we are dealing with a serial rapist, and they will then connect the dots and plant the seed that this guy has way more victims than the ones testifying.

Lisa Marie Presley- Big star power, will get the Jury's attention 4 sure. Mueller will tell the story of Scientology interference without mentioning their name...so will at the same time back up Jane Doe #1 and show that Scientology was actively obstructing justice on a rape investigation. All coming from THE KING's own flesh and blood.

My prediction is these last witnesses will have a major impact on the Jury. A truckload of sand to dump in Cohen's proverbial Bins, if you will.

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Anson: JD1 mom offered a document to the church, and got a response from several people, including Mr. Masterson.

Is this the email she sent saying she was upset the with the Church's reaction to her daughter going to them for help? Several replies, including from Masterson! Who would love to read that letter??

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WOW 😮!! This is the biggest news so far. The Scientologists guilty of Obstruction of justice with Lisa Marie to shut her up??? Oh boy... I’m dancing 💃 around my house right now. I about peed my pants when I heard that news though. They won’t stop at anything, and this just shows it. Just remember folks; Miscavige was the legal mind behind the organization before L. Ron Hubbard passed away.

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I’m so surprised nobody else caught this at this time. Ugh 😑

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