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Thanks so much. For sure he was a diehard with brains. The diehards with brains and devotion to Hubbard, are what keep the Hubbard cult going.

Really smart person, really smart.

I wish all the smart persons who somehow were pulled into Scientology, had even smarter wiser persons to have coaxed them NOT to get involved and waste their years within the Hubbard snipe hunting cult (snipe hunting for past lives engrams, and then snipe hunting for body-thetans dropped onto earth by Xenu).

Advanced Organization, where Mike was in Hubbard's words, a "stable terminal" meaning a steadfast diehard, successful (getting the fixed donations for the Xenu OT levels 3, 4, and 5, three of the five Hubbard exorcism steps, in fact pubic outsiders should in their minds, when they hear "Advanced Organization" should think "Xenu's body-thetans exorcism organization"), vital vital staffer, since Advanced Organization Los Angeles, for the decade or more Mike was the donation/fundraiser collector, and adept at the cutting edge money grabbing allowed edge of legality methods.

Because of his personality, and smarts though, I think he didn't have to edge himself into the "crim reg" (this is the word upper paperpusher managers of the bloated Hubbard totem pole of the scientology cult bureaucracy referred to regs/fundraiser-donation collectors who did illegal things collecting the income from members), as far as other era regs who did wholesale legitimately illegal fundraising techniques that doomed Jeannie Sonnenfeld's staff life.

For people who loved the Advanced Organization older era less pricey exorcism steps, OT 3, 4, and 5 when things didn't cost followers as much to receive the body-thetans first three exorcism steps, the final 6 and 7 exorcism steps one does through the Flag Org in Clearwater; those who loved the stuff, Mike was smart and good enough to have helped a whole lot of people to get those Hubbard snipe hunting exorcism/soul-freeing steps "completed."

Good person, wish his siblings and pre Scientology persons around him could have steered him clear of Hubbard's cult though, and his brains and decency could have been used better for society.

He likely was smarter than any of the managers over him, in his years as reg for AOLA (Advanced Org Los Angeles).

I was just a flakey Flag Course Sup, having heard of Mike from others, and from his wife, Ruthie, when Ruthie did her OEC/FEBC when I was a course sup and word clearer. Today, I see ALL of almost everyone I ever knew in Scientology has a lot more smarts and skill and natural talent than I ever did. Praise to them all, wish they could ALL could have been steered clear of Scientology.

Today, my advice, is get the word out, worldwise, of the Xenu body-thetans secret theory, because if newbies insist on talking Xenu and body-thetans theory (OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of upper and secret Scientology are the Hubbard "tech" quackery "handling" to "alleviate" the Xenu engram), Scientology rejects Xenu and body-thetan talking public from participating.

Thus, simplest solution, know and talk Xenu and body-thetans OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 explanations to Scientologists, and they are NOT allowed to take you into Scientology!

Xenu does triple duty. Hubbard created the most backfiring word in the future detriment to Scientology.

Know and talk Xenu and body-thetans and Scientology will wilt even faster.

Chuck Beatty

ex cult paperpusher bureaucrats training dept staffer, mainly, in my totally wasted 27 years in the Hubbard Xenu/body-thetans/exorcism-soul-freeing snipehunting operation. 1975-2003

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