Péter Bonyai is one of my heroes and I find his actions beer worthy. Say what you want about Orban, Hungary got the fraud and practicing medicine without a license or any training correct.

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Kudos to Peter for his reporting.

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This seems like a good minimum sanction from the proper authorities. To me, the key thing is that the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology is stopped from inflicting its quackery (at the very best, no better than staying away) on people who may well need qualified medical attention.

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I did the drug and chemical Purification Program and I loved it. I also worked at Narconon for three years where we delivered hundreds of purif programs. The guys in Hungary should have hired a good lawyer so that they stayed within the legal guidelines of what they could and could not say legally. There are so many people with accumulated drug residues in their bodies—not just addicts; it's good to give your mind and body some relief from those residues.

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