How convenient to use teenage girls as personal attendants. Taking down your words, lighting your cigarettes. Not boys, just girls.

Because no one believes a girl, right?

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He did have young boys as CMOs too. One in particular was this really awful little punk named David Miscavige. I wonder how that turned out.

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Was the Hubster emulating Jubal Harshaw from Heinlein's Stranger In a Strange Land? Or was he just a malignant narcissistic a-hole? I do hope Ver-dawn Hartlwell escaped, but she probably 'aged out' when she hit 17 or 18. Hubs liked them pubescent. I bet Ernst and Adell Hartwell never got any money back from Hubbard. The First Rule of Acquisition does not allow for returning money.

"the biggest most confused mess I ever saw.” So much for 'org boards' and Lroon's 'management tech'. Hubbard's penchant for punishing people en mass for one person's mistake was routed in his Navy training. Punishing an entire barracks for one person's 'infraction' was a common practice. But keeping toilet paper away from the minions is treasonous to the American lifestyle.

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When Hubbard did finally go, he left everyone behind to clean his mess.

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All his hat write ups, org boards, policies and bulletins couldn’t hold his organization together.

A new dictator tried and is now failing.

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The sweat program was developed around late 1978. The precursor to the purification rundown. By.1980 so much in Scientology was changing. NED for OTs (NOTS)was the new rage. OTV and everyone was doing the Purif.

So the Hartwell’s spoke out at a time of growth for Hubbard’s organization.

The films Hubbard directed were horrible. He thought he could master any creative skill. Film making was not his forte and he had a crew of rank amateurs. The result, we who were in the business were appalled by the “amazing” tech films directed by Hubbard. It was not till the mid 80s when Jefferson Hawkins brought in Mitch Brisker that the media and films had a major upgrade.

Thanks Tony for more historical events I never knew.

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One thing Hubbard had going for him was his fertile imagination. Thats why Scientology kept growing. He came up with all sorts of new things every day. Miscavige is hobbled by what Hubbard created.

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Having worked directly with Hubbard I saw he was a voracious reader and researcher. I call his programs, spiritual bridge and stories flat out plagiarism. He was a good updater of other writers more imaginative ideas.

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That is a much better way of describing what he did.

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