Maybe they’ve created a new type of utr scientologist? I will be a scientologist, but you can’t say I am, I will do pr for you as though I was a wog. Or maybe he’s just trying his hand at comedic fiction? Either way, he hets a resounding meh from me.

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Terry sounds like he was love bombed within an inch of his life. Very common for new people when they first come in contact with Scientology. He might have done the purification rundown and never considered himself a member of the church. He might get some pushback from his Irish friends.

We will see.

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Seth Rogan knows $cientology, Terry McMahon doesn't.

I doubt that any appeal will help Rapey. I will do 30 years and be forever branded a rapist. That is as it should be.

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That should be 'He will do 30 years....'

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Great performance guy👏🏼 👏🏼

Nurturing and sustenance is not what I think of or see from the COS.

Front groups and a subpoena evading, evil tyrant is what I see.

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Hold on a second! He is giving his heartfelt thanks and love to Scientology Community Center for... STAYING OPEN DURING THE LOCKDOWN AND GIVING SPACE FOR ARTISTS TO GET AND SPREAD COVID?!?!? <headdesk>

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That organization, as is known, is not accepted as a religion in some well consolidated (and well-informed) democracies. Religions, when they stop being a mere guide, a help to be better humans, stop making sense, and even as we know, they can be counterproductive.

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Maybe McMahon recorded a scripted Cameo message, without disclosing such?

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