The “bonus” they receive is taken right back from them and given to the kitty to buy David Miscavige an elaborate gift. The one person who really really doesn’t need it is the one who benefits from these extra “donations.”
Fascinating that the norm for Scientology staff is “slave labor”. While certain donations to upper level organizations and social betterment programs are in the millions none of that is shared with staff. And then Scientology has the audacity to ask for more donations to give the slaves a Christmas bonus. This is pure fraud and cruelty. Staff abuse is insane. Bring back the feudal lords, they are better than the ideal org lords and Sea Org lords.
The “bonus” they receive is taken right back from them and given to the kitty to buy David Miscavige an elaborate gift. The one person who really really doesn’t need it is the one who benefits from these extra “donations.”
Fascinating that the norm for Scientology staff is “slave labor”. While certain donations to upper level organizations and social betterment programs are in the millions none of that is shared with staff. And then Scientology has the audacity to ask for more donations to give the slaves a Christmas bonus. This is pure fraud and cruelty. Staff abuse is insane. Bring back the feudal lords, they are better than the ideal org lords and Sea Org lords.
"we get into the shank of our annual four-day autumnal break." I usually don't like being 'shanked', but I'll make an exception in this case.
I wonder how good the PCs and loyal minions 'tip' their staff? And if any staff spent their bonuses on anything priced beyond a gumball?
Have Happy family times Mike Rinder, you message resonates to everyone.
'your message resonates to everyone.'
I'm sorry to see Mike looking so diminished. I hope there is good news ahead.