The Masterson case is very clear cut regarding how the present day Scientology organization runs.

They lie, destroy peoples lives and families and attack critics and whistle blowers because “the ends justify the means.” Justice was served and showed the world how corrupt Scientology is. The Jane Doe’s deserve our thanks for helping expose the crimes of David Miscavige’s pseudo religion.

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As with when they were first published, I will have to read them in pieces over the day. I just finished JD3’s statement and there are so many parts of it that I could have written. I do hope that a year on, now that the monster is behind bars, she can heal a little. It really pisses me off that Scientology is still going out of their way to make sure she doesn’t heal. Religion my ass.

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JUDGE OLMEDO gets it. Why don't other judges bring the victims civil trials to court? Forget 'arbitration', that is a smoke screen for hiding crimes. Let us and the world see what $cientology really did in the Masterson case and let them be held accountable for the harassment that each victim and their families have suffered over the years.

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Thank you, Tony and to the jane Does. I couldn't read their accounts again, I teared up just scrolling through them. What they have endured all these years is unconscionable and my heart and love beats and cries for them. I pray they are feeling well and strong. Much love to all, 💜

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Ah, the Armstrong non-apology.

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Incredible. The victims' statements are just incredible to have on the record, and the judge's final comments are just incredible.

This blog site is priceless for history telling of Scientology's/L. Ron Hubbards malign influence on society.

I hope truly, ALL of this blog, and all of Tony's incredible coverage of the Hubbard malign Scientology movement is preserved, not lost, for posterity.

Thankyou endlessly Tony and all who contribute to revealing Scientology's/Hubbard's evil influence on society.

Scientology cannot seem to reform themselves from Hubbard's evil.

Leave Scientology, find another "8th dynamic" activity, another religion, or another wide interest in life, just discard all Hubbard/Scientology out of one's brain, as soon as one can.

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I finally got through the entire thing. So hard to read. I sincerely hope that the civil cases will be heard soon and that they will be able to begin to heal. At 74, I can tell you that it truly does affect you for life. I have so much respect and admiration for all of the women who have been victimized and are able to fight on and for the husbands and partners who are fighting with them. Know that there are many people who support you and stand with you.

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Potent and necessary. Rape culture does this to all of us and our earth. The rapist doesn’t care, but we mustn’t forget. The Jane Does are sacred wounded healers. I wish they weren’t.

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