This is the first of a three-part series by historian Chris Owen taking a deep dive into the mechanisms and structures by which Scientology carries out harassment, surveillance, litigation and influence operations to suppress its perceived enemies and gain influence worldwide.
I sat next to and worked in the same physical office of Mick McFarlane, the Case Supervisor for OSA (he oversaw and directed interrogations being done by OSA auditors). I was always curious what OSA was up to.
But OSAs secretive actions are kept from the general staff and public of Scientology. Mick would never tell me anything at all ever about attacks of Scn, though he knew about them.
The job of OSA was considered “entheta” and the rest of us were not allowed to know. They didn’t want us upset and diverting from our Sea Org or Scientology paths.
I’d say those who read articles written outside of Scn know far more about OSA than anyone inside Scn, who refuse to read anything about Scn negative.
What 'church' needs an 'intelligence' network and dirty tricks squads to run their 'religion'? I do hope that Leah Remini gets proper 'service' on Miscavige. Getting him to a deposition or trial would be so much fun. And with Mike Rinder as a witness, hilarity and guilty verdicts must ensue. Nice job Chris.
Well, of course! They are saving the universe, right? And El Wrong Bughard said that it's a tough universe, so...Yeah, rape, pillage, enslave, human traffic, defraud, libel, frame, bugger, kill...whatever. It's all for the greatest good of the greatest number of four-foot-thirteen's offshore accounts...It's an epic, thetanic pimping crusade.
Looking forward to reading the rest of Chris Owen's history of the spy/dirty tricks/international-criiminal-fuckery wing of "the most ethical group on the planet".
When I was in their was a special Celebrity Centre OSA person who has slick press packs to convince celebrities that whatever was in the news was not true. And most celebs bought the cult BS because of that. And because OSA kept a tight lid on what they were doing. Then came the internet.😵💫
And there was Sky Dayton. I would not have had internet in 1997 without Skys Earthlink connection. I’m surprised that was actually promoted by the church. One had to have internet to install and setup our very own website to promote our ‘wins’.
When google search started my girlfriend phoned me to get me started on it. I was ot3 but still that was the first thing I googled because of all the fuss leaking from the church. Then I found the yahoo x group. Really OSA ya might want to rearrange your tactics. After all these years they can’t see people don’t like being bullied and they are not the only ones who don’t give up. Ron was just plain wrong.
How good it would be if the most noble and upright authorities informed all the police, prosecutors and intelligence services in the world of this expansive and fatal reality.
I am blindsided by the photograph. I cannot get past the costumes these fellows are wearing. And then the background with Hubbard gazing with beatific rapture into the outer limits(?). Are the fellows aware of how silly grown men look wearing fake military costumes? Perhaps this is a very clever ploy to appeal to our subconscious submission to authority? Makes me want to run screaming in the opposite direction.
"...cannot seem to afford decency or charity or ethics; he cannot afford any weakness, any mercy." Well, there you go. It is a system by, and for, bullies.
It's amazing the complexity and sophistication that the greedy inventor put into everything basically to get money, cynically and psychopathically justifying it, only to be later surpassed even by his disciple.
The authorities of the entire planet should understand that they are in all the cities and towns of the world, and it seems that nothing is happening.
Allusions to the term "technology", from centers of the organization, are actually literally related to technology, although the fact is concealed, even from members.
Existing technology, (not invented by them, none) but focused on missions in which they are part, within the thick package of measures to subdue...
I sat next to and worked in the same physical office of Mick McFarlane, the Case Supervisor for OSA (he oversaw and directed interrogations being done by OSA auditors). I was always curious what OSA was up to.
But OSAs secretive actions are kept from the general staff and public of Scientology. Mick would never tell me anything at all ever about attacks of Scn, though he knew about them.
The job of OSA was considered “entheta” and the rest of us were not allowed to know. They didn’t want us upset and diverting from our Sea Org or Scientology paths.
I’d say those who read articles written outside of Scn know far more about OSA than anyone inside Scn, who refuse to read anything about Scn negative.
What 'church' needs an 'intelligence' network and dirty tricks squads to run their 'religion'? I do hope that Leah Remini gets proper 'service' on Miscavige. Getting him to a deposition or trial would be so much fun. And with Mike Rinder as a witness, hilarity and guilty verdicts must ensue. Nice job Chris.
Left to right:
Rathbun, Greg Wilhere, Miscavige, (not sure but maybe Mark Ingber?), and Mark Yager.
Then Hubbard in the background, looking up, then looking down. The photo layout is goofy! 🤣
Well, of course! They are saving the universe, right? And El Wrong Bughard said that it's a tough universe, so...Yeah, rape, pillage, enslave, human traffic, defraud, libel, frame, bugger, kill...whatever. It's all for the greatest good of the greatest number of four-foot-thirteen's offshore accounts...It's an epic, thetanic pimping crusade.
Looking forward to reading the rest of Chris Owen's history of the spy/dirty tricks/international-criiminal-fuckery wing of "the most ethical group on the planet".
I like the nickname, I called David Misavage, haha
On my closed captions , he is most often Miss Cabbage
When I was in their was a special Celebrity Centre OSA person who has slick press packs to convince celebrities that whatever was in the news was not true. And most celebs bought the cult BS because of that. And because OSA kept a tight lid on what they were doing. Then came the internet.😵💫
And there was Sky Dayton. I would not have had internet in 1997 without Skys Earthlink connection. I’m surprised that was actually promoted by the church. One had to have internet to install and setup our very own website to promote our ‘wins’.
When google search started my girlfriend phoned me to get me started on it. I was ot3 but still that was the first thing I googled because of all the fuss leaking from the church. Then I found the yahoo x group. Really OSA ya might want to rearrange your tactics. After all these years they can’t see people don’t like being bullied and they are not the only ones who don’t give up. Ron was just plain wrong.
How good it would be if the most noble and upright authorities informed all the police, prosecutors and intelligence services in the world of this expansive and fatal reality.
I am blindsided by the photograph. I cannot get past the costumes these fellows are wearing. And then the background with Hubbard gazing with beatific rapture into the outer limits(?). Are the fellows aware of how silly grown men look wearing fake military costumes? Perhaps this is a very clever ploy to appeal to our subconscious submission to authority? Makes me want to run screaming in the opposite direction.
"...cannot seem to afford decency or charity or ethics; he cannot afford any weakness, any mercy." Well, there you go. It is a system by, and for, bullies.
It's amazing the complexity and sophistication that the greedy inventor put into everything basically to get money, cynically and psychopathically justifying it, only to be later surpassed even by his disciple.
The authorities of the entire planet should understand that they are in all the cities and towns of the world, and it seems that nothing is happening.
Allusions to the term "technology", from centers of the organization, are actually literally related to technology, although the fact is concealed, even from members.
Existing technology, (not invented by them, none) but focused on missions in which they are part, within the thick package of measures to subdue...
Hubbard's "TECHNOLOGY" ought be always mentally translated as QUACKERY when reading anything Hubbard.
Scientology technology is quackery, period. Simplifies the operation.
It's legalized quackery.
Sounds like the Gestapo!
Ah, so churchlike. It's also so spiritually uplifting...