“ He had somehow in true Scientologist fashion assumed control over matter, energy, space and time, by making it all up, twisting facts and believing in his version of events.”

Scientology in one sentence! And bonus points for “wognite.”

As for DM leaving Clearwater, he’s not (yet) under any travel restriction, and he’s already been served, so… can I help him pack?

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I have this very same experience with the Scientologist in my life on a regular basis. Many, many times she has restated a discussion that we had in the past, an agreement that we made, or an experience that we shared... and her recall of it is completely opposite mine.

It's really disorienting for someone like me who tends first to question myself when I'm met with unexpected information like this. Especially when it comes with so much certainty and conviction. But when I look back through emails or other records and find it to be exactly as I recall it happening, all I can do is shake my head...

And I've also found that no amount of evidence can convince a person like this that things happened differently than they recall.

I always felt this was a Scientological phenomenon, so your story is helpful confirmation for me. It truly is a superpower to be able to change events of the past. There may also be a psych explanation.

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They should save money on marquee hire. We saw them go from a 7,000 capacity tent to a 5,000. Maybe this year they could manage with 3,000 or even 1,000. Scientology saving money by dwindling.

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Thank you Pete.

I feel sad for those members of Scientology who just live every second in Delusion.

I was that way when first in the Sea Org 1974.

I learned very fast that Scientology will throw anyone out with the garbage at any time for any offense known by the member it not known by the member.

It is truly a Nightmare..

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Any offense known by the member or not known by the member..cannot find an edit for these replies!

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You can copy, correct, repost, and then deleted the original.

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I was in S.O. at the same time.

I worked for AOLA and worked in the CC galley.

I got declared in 94.

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In $cieno land, everything comes down to who has the upper hand. Be it by Ka Khaning or being upstat, the pecking order is always in place. If you rearrange your brain and blame others (SPs) for anything that happens to you, you are never required to exam what really happened. Sounds like a defense mechanism to me. But that is psychology, not $cientology.

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Commenting on the Clear To Eternity flyer, Elena Cardone telling us how we can be part of “the 10,000 solo NOTS auditors movement” is absurd. There are barely 10,000 members in Scientology anymore. And what’s the percent of people who were on Solo NOTS and left the cherch or who are dead? Delusion is the watchword of the organization. And that lines up perfectly with Pete Griffith’s story today. Thank you Pete.

IMO you cannot trust a Scientologist to keep his or her word, be your friend or deal honestly with others. The bottom line is “always support and protect Scientology and it’s leader. That is the greatest good. The ends justify the means.

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Wait a minute. It's 2023 and Cardone is trying to instill FOMO in trying to get you to be one of "the first 10,000" on Solo NOTs, meaning that the number of people on (and I see that it's "on" and not "completed") hasn't reached 10,000 yet? How long have Solo NOTs been around?

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I have had something like that happen to me with a former Scientologist, and my father and stepmother. I am glad you shared. My similar incidents were upsetting and frustrating. I watched them leave reality and became part of the Twilight Zone. Gone Forever. I had "lost" these people and could never fully connect or trust them and their mental faculties again. Sad.

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Some days when I read the news for that despicable cult, I just want to copy and paste from a earlier reply to save myself time, since it's basically the same. $cientology is a cult, their moral compass endlessly spins, and the parishioners get poor and poorer. Sad for people who don't know how to get out of it. And sick for people like David Miscavige and all his minions.

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That scienbollocks certainty is NUTS! Remember Moxon's wife? Hubs and his rants about SMERSH?

Little Miss Savage's ongoing pimp bulletins about YOUR money supporting his heroic planetary clearing crusade ? CCHR's rants about "the psyches"? Rapey Masterson's fawning comments about El Wrong Schlubster? Random OT's talking about "how big their space is"?

Yes, this Crowleyian mind-fuck is designed to erase you. Permanent disassociation. Cognitive attenuation. Emotional neutering. Spiritual rape. Perpetual gaslighting. Erasure of boundaries/autonomy.

That ain't freedom. It's CERTAINLY slavery!

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