One of the surprises to come out of the Danny Masterson trial was a photo of one of Scientology's most elusive and notorious figures, a "master at arms" enforcer named Julian Swartz.
Leah Remini and Yashar Ali made the first known photo of Swartz available online this month, putting a face to stories we've reported about his strong-arm tactics to keep Scientology scandals under wraps, in particular a horrifying scandal at a Scientology day care, where Swartz convinced parents not to press charges against a teenager who had been molesting their children.
But Swartz was not the only Scientology enforcer who was unmasked during the Danny Masterson trial.
We pointed out at the time that the prosecution seemed to be doing a much better job during Masterson's second trial of making use of visual displays, posting images of key figures to help the jury understand what Masterson was accused of.
We were stunned to see a photo of Swartz show up during the trial. And we were also impressed to see images of the husband-wife team who had told Jane Doe 3 she couldn't use the word "rape," and who punished her for coming forward about being attacked by Masterson.
They were identified as Chris and Miranda Scoggins, and their photos were shown in court. We now have copies of those photos and decided to share them with you.
Jane Doe 3 testified that she went to Miranda, an ethics officer at the Celebrity Centre to explain that Masterson had raped her in her sleep. But she said that Miranda immediately made her feel like she was being punished for reporting the incident.
“She explained to me there was no crime committed and she put me on an ethics program,” Jane Doe 3 testified. As part of that program, she was required to write about what had happened, but Miranda told her she couldn't use the word "rape," and that it wasn't possible to rape someone who was your girlfriend. (Jane Doe 3 and Masterson were living together at the time.)
Also, as part of the ethics program, she was instructed also to meet with Miranda's husband, “chaplain” Chris Scoggins. Jane Doe 3 said that it was Chris's job to make her understand how dire the circumstances would be if she violated the rules and caused problems for Masterson. And he had her "demo' these rules with small objects intended to show just how serious were the consequences she was facing.
She also testified that as part of the ethics program Chris and Miranda put her on, Jane Doe 3 had to find ways to make "amends" to Masterson, such as taking his car to be washed.
Miranda and Chris were dedicated to protecting a Scientology celebrity and punishing his rape victims.
We thought it was a good idea to make sure you knew what they looked like.
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In the 50 years I was in Scientology which included under the radar time; I spent a fair amount of activities with ethics officers including Julian Swartz from 2008 to 2015. Within the church the ethics department is there to enforce what is considered correct conduct as dictated by L. Ron Hubbard. Of course depending on your status you get a slap on your wrist or hard labor and financial amends. The hypocrisy was tangible and was fully demonstrated in the Masterson trial.
Gaslighting is the norm and fear of ethic’s reprisals are the whip that keeps the members and staff in line. The book “The Introduction To Scientology Ethics” is the Bible for the cult gestapo. I feared going to ethics and I was not alone. At Celebrity Centre, ethics was located in the basement. No windows, only one entrance and exit. Very Scary.
At the turn of the 20th century Franz Kafka the well known Czech writer, described a similar kind of despicable bureaucracy. I think Hubbard plagiarized Kafka to create his ETHICS DEPARTMENT on his well delineated Organization Board(Org,Board).
In Scientology, Ethics=Fear=Gaslighting=Brainwashing. Hubbard knew exactly what he was doing to create the perfect evil quasi-religious dictatorship.
At least Jane Doe 3 didn't get the bright lights and rubber hose. But she did get the mental equivalent. When any group wants you to surrender your 'valance' or your ability to order your life, run away. Any one trying tone 40 crap on me will get an ass kicking.
I understand how all of the Does and Xenu alone knows how many others, were the frogs in the boiling pot. Those raised in the Clampire have a particularly hard time to get out of the mindfu*k. I bless everyone who has traveled down that road and reclaimed their 'valance' and their life.