In the 50 years I was in Scientology which included under the radar time; I spent a fair amount of activities with ethics officers including Julian Swartz from 2008 to 2015. Within the church the ethics department is there to enforce what is considered correct conduct as dictated by L. Ron Hubbard. Of course depending on your status you get a slap on your wrist or hard labor and financial amends. The hypocrisy was tangible and was fully demonstrated in the Masterson trial.

Gaslighting is the norm and fear of ethic’s reprisals are the whip that keeps the members and staff in line. The book “The Introduction To Scientology Ethics” is the Bible for the cult gestapo. I feared going to ethics and I was not alone. At Celebrity Centre, ethics was located in the basement. No windows, only one entrance and exit. Very Scary.

At the turn of the 20th century Franz Kafka the well known Czech writer, described a similar kind of despicable bureaucracy. I think Hubbard plagiarized Kafka to create his ETHICS DEPARTMENT on his well delineated Organization Board(Org,Board).

In Scientology, Ethics=Fear=Gaslighting=Brainwashing. Hubbard knew exactly what he was doing to create the perfect evil quasi-religious dictatorship.

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At least Jane Doe 3 didn't get the bright lights and rubber hose. But she did get the mental equivalent. When any group wants you to surrender your 'valance' or your ability to order your life, run away. Any one trying tone 40 crap on me will get an ass kicking.

I understand how all of the Does and Xenu alone knows how many others, were the frogs in the boiling pot. Those raised in the Clampire have a particularly hard time to get out of the mindfu*k. I bless everyone who has traveled down that road and reclaimed their 'valance' and their life.

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These extremist narcissistic Scientologists are the worst kind. These are just shit people to begin with. This cult just helped bring out their sadistic behavior. They should both be incarcerated for their crimes

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Off topic: Why would a "Staff Member" of an "Org." take large amounts of big boxes of Scientology "Materials" and store them where they work? Does anyone have any idea? There was heavy rain in the area; perhaps the "Org." had flooding?

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The quote at the top of the poster advertising "The History of Freedom" speech by some Kult member in Cincinnati, is by Ron Hubbard and says :

"Single men and determined groups have been the only makers of space in which man could walk free."

What in the name of hot spit is he talking about 😳😳? Single Men? Determined Groups?

Makers of Space? Only men can walk free?

What was wrong with that man?

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Sep 30, 2023
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Por supuesto, it's all about that "winning valence", yeah?

Scientology: the hustle of a greedy, vicious sociopath, currently administered by a greedy, vicious sociopath.

There are 2 gloriously "theta" options for scientologists: be the abused or become the "tone 40" abuser. A third, even crazier option might be to flip back and forth between those two "homo novus" options!

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