Thanks Karen. Great interview. When you said Tom Cruise doesn't REALIZE he's been radicalized, I was "Wow." That was a moment for me. Most members are brainwashed from day one and lead down the primrose path of the "Us v Them" mentality and there are varying degrees of radicalization of the regular non staff members, to staff members or Sea Org members.

I am actually stunned in hindsight that I put up with so much "tech" that made me feel awful. It's straight up abuse that I put up with because of brainwashing.

Thank you Karen.

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It's Karen! Ooh, this is going to be good. Karen has the best stories :)

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Hmmm maybe it is a religion. Hey guys being facetious here. I was raised from birth to believe that the LDS Church was “the only true religion on earth” that’s why I say that.

Thinking your own thoughts is highly underrated.

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Radicalization == becoming a fanatic.

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Karen has me in tears 😢 But, yes, we all have hope 🙏 ❤️

Thanks Karen for putting a label on Ron's con that then it can be understood by more people. We were radicalized and it was an us and them world. It didn't matter if our family stayed 'them', as long as we remained 'us' we would save them at some point and they would rejoin 'us'. scientology was the 1 and only workable solution in the history of man. No one else will ever go free without it.

Yup, radicalized we were.

I completely agree with you. The honest dig may be a turning point or maybe it will be the next one...

Thank you for the educational discussion.

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Celebrity Center == love-bombing for celebrities.

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Great Interview Karen and Tony! Radicalization is the goal of scientology. To put everything, love, career, personal relationships, children, rationality, previous values forever behind you in single minded pursuit of the fantasy sold by Hubbard and his minion miscavige, that is radicalization. Otherwise known as being a good little scientologist.

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