"...The chef's kiss...." Perfect. Yes, that's scientology's PR Tech at work.

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All joking aside, this must be of supreme comfort to former Scientologists who have suffered such harm and devastating loss. People in vast numbers see your pain and they believe your accounts. And they are on your side.

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you bet! thanks

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Sounds like a pretty good year for scientology. LRH did say bad news is better than no news. They sure got alot of that. Highest ever I believe.

Next year won't get any better. Probably much worse.

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Hmmm I’m surprised satanism didn’t score higher than scientology😂😂

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Oh dear, this is awkward! Heehee.

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chef's kiss (plural chef's kisses) A gesture in which the fingers and thumb of one hand are pinched together, kissed, and then blown away, signifying that something is delicious or exquisite."

No chef who ever stirred a gravy would 'kiss' the $cienoverse. Thanks to all who contributed today and I love Bruce Hines's comment. Bless you all. Everyone one of us.

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I am just giddy over this news!

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Hubbards was very, very interested in conjuring up Satan. I guess it might be working

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