When the first paragraph of the first letter is really once sentence with at least seven commas, it’s a good sign someone is frothing over Ben “Release the Hounds” Shaw’s shoulder.

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Bah, insufficient number of exclamation points. Not enough to convey the tone-40 communication from defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige.

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Fear not, those "comms" are delivered with esspee-killing poison postulates!!!!!!!!!😂😂😂

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All that butt hurt needs some serious Preparation H. That 2014 ULI 'report' was a very bad joke, paid for and entirely in the Clampires favor. You get what you paid for. And no one outside of the CO$ has paid any attention to it.

Ben Shaw's straw man arguments are worthy of $cientologies previous PR pronouncements. But where is Karin Pouw? Between the 'nah nah you lie' and 'nah nah you lie more' crap, Ben sounds like a petulant 4 year old.

Tracy McManus has again been a burr under the saddle of the $cieno horse for quite a while. She took over that beat from Tobin and Childs and has done excellent work outing the actions of $cientology. That poor horse, it been ridden hard and put away wet too many times.

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I watched the Cleveland St. CGI propaganda video. Consistent with all Scientology’s slick infomercial videos. 10% truth 90% BS. Ben Shaw sounds like a present day Putin Publicist. Because the Cherch is at war with the WOGS of Clearwater.

David Miscavige wants Clearwater to be the first “Clear” city. Since 99.99% of Clearwater citizens are not clear, stands to reason that Ben only wants Scientologists in the city. Hence so much property bought up by cherch whales. All pretty straight forward. Ben implying Tracy McManus is lying belongs in Comedy Central. And the Scientology Network is equivalent to a computer network in an office building. Not much activity except for those in the building. Hard for me to imagine any outsider could could consider Ben Shaw anything more than a buffoon.

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If a buffoon farts in the forest and no one is there...

Ah, never mind.✌🏾😎

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Hmmm, I have to use my new critical thinking abilities to answer you.

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Sounds to me like something from a petulant teenager who is trying desperately to sound relevant. And talk about half truths... I don’t think I can count how many times I have heard Mark Bunker say that he has nothing against Scientologists and that they, for the most part are good people. SMH

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He must be paid by the word.

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With special bonuses for typeface changes.🤓

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Does it matter at all that what the letters SAY and what the Co$ DOES are two entirely different things? Subtract veracity points for egregious use of adjectives and adverbs. Not to mention use of non-standard bolding and capitalization. Also loses points for disdainful, condescending and hostile tone. Basically--“flunk.”

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But, but, but...How DARE you minimize their obviously "senior", homo wankus "knowingness"!?

We tax their patience and their heroic, theta efforts to salvage the Xenu-damned universe with our suppressive, reactive-mind-driven nit-picking and insistence on paying attention to "physical universe" facts...

They are poor, over-burdened heroes in their own Flubtard Fantasy...

To Infinite Wankery...and Beyond!

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You mean their “NO-ingness”? “NO, you’ve got it absolutely 100% WRONG, you W**, you! Read the secret message in between my lines! “There is NOt NOthing false there! Do you even NO what subtext is? Do you NOt know anything?!? Do you NOt read my emails?!?” So much “NO.” “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” (The New Guy)

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I started reading this huge, steaming pile of Shaw-shit and decided to return to it later, when I have the patience to deal with it...

Miscavige is more or less insane; he lives in an opulent, Macallan-lubricated, Hubbardized fantasy world.

Slap those bitches, then make 'em dig ditches. Manage thuggish cut-outs from the super-secure theta dug-out. Ess-pees ruined by Ben Shaw-s spewing and McSavage's lawyerly screwing. Planetary salvation assured once it's been scientologically manured.

Dime, ¿quién es tu papi ahora, coños?

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It's humorous how david miscavige is so deluded about himself that he doesn't see what a joke he is to so many people that he thinks he's fooling.

Go put your clothes on, dave; you're naked.

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Yep, it's a common character flaw in those who tend to be narcissistic...

He takes himself waaaay to seriously. Combine that with his cowardice, sadism, and

vengefulness and you have a real turd of a human being.

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So arrogant that it’s a chore to read, using patronizing clichés to deflect

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Yes, exactly. So much for masterful communication and scientological "ARC".

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Mark, my dear, trust me on this. 20 year from now you will still not have the patience to slough through this impenetrable mess. Kind of makes you miss Dan Sherman. At least his impenetrabile messes were loftier sounding, not kindergarten sandbox level.

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Yes! Some of Dan's "works" were verbose and absurd in a weirdly charming way. They would induce laughter, at least.

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This was so hard to read.

A. Mixing multiple typefaces is something only an amateur would do. It creates confusion and makes the entire presentation impenetrable. Oh wait, that was probably intentional then.

B. The whole pointing fingers at Mark Bunker, in all caps to boot, is simply laughable. Perhaps they should dust off that injunction and return to this letter.

C. They need to find a new word. They’ve overused bigot. Sort of like twisting anti-slapp to seem to make it apply to legal cases, if an action they take is criticized, the person criticizing them is a bigot. That’s not how life works. If you do bad things, a person is not bigoted for pointing them out, nor do you have the right to hide behind religion to commit crimes.

D. I do hope Ben Shaw gets past his teenage years soon. His teenage angst is wearying.

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What a douche.

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Just think: Tony has been reporting on/decoding these kind of culty, bullshit letters and press releases for...decades. Ugh.

On a related note: perhaps someone should send petulant Ben Shaw a gift?


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Nooo, nooo, not the jingle torment, please!

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I tried to read the 2014 ULI report. Is there a link to it somewhere.

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What an ass. The website is really fancy, but is any ACTUAL work being done at those properties? Work needs to be done, anyone can have a fancy website

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Scientology is all about buying properties, not about working on them. Take the Chicago Ideal org property for example. The first time I saw it, it was within walking distance of where my single daughter lived at the time. She and her friends were heartbroken that the beautiful library housed in that building was going to close.

Six months later, I photographed a homeless man sleeping in the doorway of that property with a no trespassing sign on the door and the windows papered over.

My daughter has now lived in North Carolina 12 years, she and her husband celebrated their youngest daughter’s seven year birthday today. The Chicago building remains abandoned and derelict.

The world has moved on, scientology hasn’t.

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