Bravo viewers got their first look at the upcoming Real Housewives of New York City season with a new trailer that appeared yesterday, and it confirms what was reported in the spring, that handbag designer Rebecca Minkoff will be a “friend” to the main cast in the series and presumably a substantial presence in the show.
I saw a promo for a cancer seminar on h ow to beat cancer. When I scrolled through it, it showed about 4 different so called experts who would be sharing their wisdom with the world. And 'lo and behold, David Minkoff was one of them. I checked and made sure it was the same Scn Minkoff who had had his medical license revoked for some time. It was. Beware of seminars you sign up for. They may be full of quacks like David Minkoff.
I'm not, myself, a military person, but I have been told that there are fixed ways of saluting. It does not look like the Damnation Navy bothers with all that, the victims are just holding their hand somewhere up and in front of their faces.
I recently read the new JFK Jr. book. He, at 3, was taught to salute correctly and did so at his father’s funeral. Those three Sea Org people look like no one even gave them direction. They just gathered the three closest people for whom they had uniforms, slapped them in front of a camera and sent them back to work.
Clearly (sorry…), the problem is that all of these Damnation Navy victims are remembering salutes from previous lives in gaLAXies other than our own, where saluting was very different. Sometimes one had three arms and two heads, and having been drilled in saluting in such a body gives severe difficulties when asked to salute in a standard Homo Sap flesh unit.
If the Sea bOrg are so important, so lauded by the vox clamiloi, why don't they get any real pay and health insurance? Why no retirement pay or decent accommodations? The Sea bOrg are just as disposable as any other $cientologist.
I don't watch any 'reality' TV. They have no reality and the 'real house wives' is a poorly scripted (yes, scripts are involved) simulation of a 5th grade girls sleep over. Minkoff is in danger of either being used by the show to make some fun of $cientology, or in danger of not selling the $cieno brand. As usual, determining whether good or bad PR results will be up to someone higher up on the $cieno totem pole.
"Often unheralded, working mostly behind the scenes, these Giants are making it possible for literally hundreds of millions to access the Tech and create their own destiny for today and lifetimes to come."
Rebecca Minkoff and her father are classic examples of Scientology followers. With a little celebrity success their narcissism increases because Scientology breeds narcissistic personalities patterned after the founders directives. Elitism is good in the cult.
I saw a promo for a cancer seminar on h ow to beat cancer. When I scrolled through it, it showed about 4 different so called experts who would be sharing their wisdom with the world. And 'lo and behold, David Minkoff was one of them. I checked and made sure it was the same Scn Minkoff who had had his medical license revoked for some time. It was. Beware of seminars you sign up for. They may be full of quacks like David Minkoff.
I'm not, myself, a military person, but I have been told that there are fixed ways of saluting. It does not look like the Damnation Navy bothers with all that, the victims are just holding their hand somewhere up and in front of their faces.
I recently read the new JFK Jr. book. He, at 3, was taught to salute correctly and did so at his father’s funeral. Those three Sea Org people look like no one even gave them direction. They just gathered the three closest people for whom they had uniforms, slapped them in front of a camera and sent them back to work.
Clearly (sorry…), the problem is that all of these Damnation Navy victims are remembering salutes from previous lives in gaLAXies other than our own, where saluting was very different. Sometimes one had three arms and two heads, and having been drilled in saluting in such a body gives severe difficulties when asked to salute in a standard Homo Sap flesh unit.
Or something.
If the Sea bOrg are so important, so lauded by the vox clamiloi, why don't they get any real pay and health insurance? Why no retirement pay or decent accommodations? The Sea bOrg are just as disposable as any other $cientologist.
I don't watch any 'reality' TV. They have no reality and the 'real house wives' is a poorly scripted (yes, scripts are involved) simulation of a 5th grade girls sleep over. Minkoff is in danger of either being used by the show to make some fun of $cientology, or in danger of not selling the $cieno brand. As usual, determining whether good or bad PR results will be up to someone higher up on the $cieno totem pole.
"Often unheralded, working mostly behind the scenes, these Giants are making it possible for literally hundreds of millions to access the Tech and create their own destiny for today and lifetimes to come."
Possible? Yes. Actually happening? No.
Rebecca Minkoff and her father are classic examples of Scientology followers. With a little celebrity success their narcissism increases because Scientology breeds narcissistic personalities patterned after the founders directives. Elitism is good in the cult.