Hubbard repeats himself more than I'd noticed when I was "in" ... and his use of "all right" is annoying. Also, ending the session with a needle that was completely still (no F/N) at the same time Hubbard says the "technology is perfect now". Evidently, he hadn't added "F/Ns" to the "tech" until later so "perfection of the tech" was always an evolving issue. The "communications" capabilities at St. Hill in 1963 was no where near as good as the TV we had in my parents home at the same time. I hadn't seen this, and hadn't listened to Hubbard in over 35 years. I can't say it was a treat to revisit his image and voice.

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Lron's 'model session' was ridiculous. 'Touch yourself and pay me more' is just what was accomplished in that 'session'. I bet most or all of the people in the movie were declared or just ran away. The organ music at the end was horrible. As recruitment movies go, this one sucks the most.

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And here we have… how many times can you hear that over and over. This, ladies and gents, is a small example of what it sounds like to listen to the “wall of tapes” on the Briefing Course. The terms and umm the pompous voice, the overblown dictation. Imagine having to listen to hundreds of hours of that. That was the core of the SHSBC. People paid big bucks for that torture.

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Not surprising that Hubbard would start the film near a fountain. A complete cinematic no no for film sound. Very amateur. And I love when Hubbard he says to John Lawrence, “ you’ve been doing some RAW MEAT PCs, what have you been green getting.”

There’s an indictment of what Hubbard thought of non-Scientologists. No wonder Scientology tried to bury this film.

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The opening scene with the sound of running water made me want to go to the bathroom. After watching the video, I went and puked.

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