I worked for years with Gavin Potter performing at Freewind’s events including the Artist Convention and the Music Artist Convention. I sound like a broken record with all the SO people I’ve dealt with.

His current wife, Alex Potter was a young actress who came to a Freewind’s convention in the late 90’s and joined the SO there and Gavin glommed on to her immediately. They were married quickly. I did not know Gavin was married before. He was always a smarmy MF. I worked with him because I was a dedicated scientologist who used my musical talent to get people to the Freewinds. Hey, we’ve GOT TO CLEAR THE PLANET!

All the lawsuits, blogs, books, video, articles are to expose David Miscavige and his minions to stop the abuse and crimes against members and ex-members.

Today in LA my film Brothers Broken screens at the Laemmle NoHo 7 at 7:30 pm and perhaps it will encourage a few people to leave Scientology and never go to the Freewinds again.

I sent a promotional email and it went out to a lot of Scientologists in good standing I know.

I got a call from one of my cult “friends”. He had no idea I was an SP. The cherch keeps their members in the dark regarding people who had some celebrity status and then turned.

He was sad for me. I told him I was happy to be be releasing a movie that told the truth about Scientology. He was clueless.

I got first hand experience regarding the evil mind control that still exists in the organization. He sounded like a recording, regurgitating words straight out of the Ethics Book.

And he was quoting me what I needed to do to get back in good standing. Sheesh!

Everyone,keep helping to expose Hubbards toxic organization. We are making a difference.

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I think that no one escapes that if there was no desire to "clean out your pocket and financial accounts" first, the second cleaning would lack motivation. The courts of all countries have demonstrated this in their sentences.

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What could be a finer use of 501(c)3 tax exempt funds than paying a lawyer to say that the head of the tax exempt organisation has never even heard of this lawsuit? Without any doubt, exactly what the founding fathers had in mind.

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How can you respond to a lawsuit you haven’t heard of?

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It blows my mind how an attorney can keep his license when he (and therefore his client) is obviously well aware of the lawsuit, aware enough that he knows the exact details of the service attempts, yet he claims his client has not been served. I’d love to see the Judge declare Miscavige served and sanction the attorney for obstruction of justice.

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We could always try to report him to the Bar Association. It would take a group effort though - not something I’d be willing to tackle on my own.

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4 foot 13 is almost invisible normally, and is TOTALLY invisible when process servers look for him. This is upper level OT shizzle and is proof that the TECH is senior to the mechanics of the "wog-MEST-degraded-justice-system". Any day now, the planet will be cleared and Captain McSavage will publicly announce the simultaneous opening of 47,000 new orgs on this and other unnamed planets in this solar system. All lawsuits will be summarily "NOT-ISED" and Pope High Hair shall be installed as the new "Thetan-In-Chief-For-Infinity-To-The-47th-Power" for this and several adjacent universes by El Con Blowhard himself!

Thanks to Jeff Augustine and Tony Ortega for their in-depth reporting on this breaking news...

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Judges, get over the BS and just declare Miscavige served thru Riffer. Let's get that civil suit on the road to trial and no 'arbitration' crap this time. And where is Gavin Potter hiding now? Look under a few rocks and serve that scumbag.

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Could the judge do this?

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This whole thing where you have to be served personally is like something from the 1850s. Serve Miscaviges' law firm. And penalize him for playing these games. It's so stupid, I can't believe a judge puts up with it for a minute. Trump and Miscavige just play the system to its humiliation.

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Just the fact Misavage says he wasn't served, mean he was served--he knows full well of the lawsuit and therefore avoiding direct service??? Can't wait to see what the judge has to say about that!

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Has somebody personally delivered the papers to the attorney? That can even mean dropping the papers at the attorneys feet and walking away - and getting video of it. The person doesn’t have to physically take the papers.

Also, the judge can authorize service by taping on MisCavige’s door, or by mail. Appropriate paperwork supplied by the courthouse. But again, leah’s reps would have to request that at the hearing if David is still claiming he hasn’t been served by then.

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Extending the time, bending the laws without any shame, not even in front of the judges, are the first, of the complete package of "countermeasures" to be used, because they feel guilty, of course.

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This makes me think of the Keystone cops. There must be a legal way to get this service done. Oh, come on, already.

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In my experience, one has to be directly served. This still begs the question, Missavage knows he's fleeting service, enough to say 'I haven't been served.' The judge can override the nonsense. Love your comment, Amy.

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If somebody doesn’t want to be served, is in hiding, and they have a buffer of people committed to sabotaging the efforts, the service process can be a chore.

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And , of course, the most ethical people on the planet always hide out to evade service in a court case. If you are so ethical what are you afraid of.

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