Heartbreaking. Some people, after 8 years get over or past or “through” disconnection and for some it eats away, especially the loss of a child through this practice. My love and thoughts and prayers go out to Willie (especially) and Phil on this day, my son’s 32nd birthday.

WAKE UP scientologists who disconnect from those who love you and who you truly love. WAKE up.

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Emily has something that most sea borg and staff never get to do. They can talk to the public and be out and about in the real world. I can only hope that one day she and her brother see the smoke and mirrors and cruelty for what they are, the basis of $cientology.

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Could also say “Your mom says hi and sends her love!”

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Scientology, with its millions of (superfluous) words and its dizzying lexicon of acronyms and its

super-duper galvanic toy and its pseudoscience, along with its organizations' endless "fund-raising" for its galactic salvation campaigns...is, ultimately and collectively...a perpetual dramatization of cruelty, abuse, mind-fuck, and comprehensive sociopathy.

The die-hard adherents of Hubbardology can't and won't communicate with those who decide to ditch it. At the very least, they ignore and doggedly avoid them, at worst they "ruin them utterly". It's an "us versus them" , "either/or" scenario for the Scino's, utterly lacking in empathy, civility, flexibility, common sense, and love. What a sad, deluded existence!

Nonetheless, I wish for this family to be reunited...

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But these are the most ‘ethical’ people in the world and able to communicate effectively with’anyone’. SMH

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Hey BC! Exaaaaaactly THAT!

When I was on staff(full time), I had THREE other part-time jobs. I noticed that in the world outside of the "org" (in 2010-2011), hardly anyone gave a flying phuck about scientology, and the ones who DID, were protesting about it. I also noticed that in 2 of my three part-time jobs, which were with non-scientologists, I was paid better and treated better; those jobs were also more fulfilling and the working environments were waaay more relaxed and harmonious. These experiences ratcheted up my cognitive dissonance to maximum tension. Like so many other ex-scientologists, I finally exhausted my willingness to be underpaid and abused by " the most ethical group on the planet " ; I was appalled by the arrogance, rudeness, and pettyness of some of my-allegedly- " tech savvy " fellow staff members, ESPECIALLY the so-called "executives". In fact, after some reflection after "blowing"(leaving suddenly) my "post"(job), I realized that a prerequisite for being an "executive" in a scientology org was to be a more-or-less ruthless, two-faced asshole. They'd justify their behavior by saying that they were "assuming the necessary beingness/tone level to get the job done(clearing the planet), and that there was no room for "H,E,&R" (human emotion and reaction)". I saw some of the most surreal, cruel, and heartless behavior while on staff. My innate humanity finally ended up trumping my indoctrination and delusion...

Anyway, the utter lack of humor, lack of flexible and critical thinking, and willingness to discard one's innate moral compass for unquestioning and rabid fealty to El Wrong Flubbard's useless dreck found in die-hard scientologists is truly a horror to behold.

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I hope Phil and Willies son and daughter wake up soon. It will take something really bad coming down on them in the Sea Org. It will happen, it is a matter of time. I do think that David Miscavage does have some of the pet Sea Org and Staff that he chooses to have loved bombed. That is special for the ones that he does not want to return to their families, the ones that have tried to get their kids back and spoken out. I, like so many parents in this situation, will never give up. Karma is coming, David Miscavaige.

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Truly heartbreaking! Scientology's

Disconnection policy, imnsho, is THE worst! There is no IJC...I've sat on the building ledge where his office is. When "security" came to insist I move, I explained per my SP Declare, "Her ONLY terminal is the IJC...so I cannot talk to them. Please bring him out" 😎

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Scn is truly evil.

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It's not love bombing. It's clever Miscavige lies and their personal sacrifes for Hubbard and that if they side with you, they too will lose everything important to them that keeps them them there. Best wishes to you.

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I heard from a volunteer at Comic-Con this year, it was packed. Hundreds of thousands attended. And there in the middle of that dream convention is a shining example of brainwashed young adults selling the writings of one of the heinous scam artists of the 20th century. He built his cult empire on breaking up families and close friendships. A blight on Comic-Con and the world.

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