I just updated Jade's Wikipedia page to add her membership in Scientology to her bio:


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WHO granted them access?

I sincerely want to know because I would like to find out their process; and ask why they are putting the VMs and first responders in danger like that.

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My guess, and hope, based on my real disaster relief experience, is they were let past initial checkpoints to areas that were "safe" and not allowed anywhere near the front lines. But if that's not true someone needs to be educated and quickly.

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2280 VMs? How about an actual count that should show 22 VMs? All of them thieves of someone else's valor.

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Weren't they supposedly 10,000 VMs?

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not dead. Just smells that way...

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yep, she's pretty dedicated if she's completed 3 of the Xenu body-thetans exorcism levels, out of the 5 total exorcism Scientology levels to be done.

I never made it to the exorcism levels, always wondered about what the Wall of Fire was all about.

I hope she doesn't show up in any future "Advanced (exorcism) Organizations" promotions for handling the Wall of Fire, which OT 3 is often touted as the only way us humans can deal with the Xenu "engram".

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