We’re just a week out now from Scientology’s big rendezvous in East Grinstead, England, when the church’s biggest donors will be assembling to pick up their bowling trophies from leader David Miscavige.
OTV, the level where I finally decided I would not do any more auditing. Poor Natalia. All those nicely framed certificates attesting to nothing. How many times does someone have to believe they’ve gotten rid of all those pesky body thetans before they start saying “wait, this sounds familiar?”
I worked shoulder to shoulder with the founder’s wife and daughter and by OTV all the allure of the OT Levels was gone for me. After I made the decision to never again pick up the cans, I blamed myself for all the bad that befell on me because I had to have such evil intentions not to believe in that claptrap.
I’m glad that she feels free. I hope she really does. But, spoiler alert: OT levels are a trap. They do not free you, they entrap you. The money she throws at that fake freedom could be used to help her daughter achieve real greatness. What a waste.
As for those two staff members; neither of them looks in the least bit happy. What is this all they have?
So Natalia can drive and climb heights without fear after OTV, which is Dianetics for OTs. That means she had BTs hanging around with earlier similar angst ... and that leads to all kinds of questions: why wouldn't those BTs pop up during OT3 or OT4 ... both of hich are lso looking for BTs with issues? I assume her clamminess was sweat stemming from not confronting what was in front of her ... something one could resolve on the first course in Scientology. So it took her until OTV to rid herself of something she could have conquered otherwise. But hey, I'm glad she's not sweating about driving and heights. She doesn't mention other clamminess she might have, but not to worry: she can keep spending her money, get to OT8, and find out everything she thinks she's achieved is a farce. Bless her clammy little heart.
The typical OT V: scrape the thousands of body thetans(disembodied beings) off your body, does give some temporary relief from a few obvious chronic emotional issues. My observations of hundreds of people who went through this level is;(including myself), it did nothing to mitigate the long term neurosis and psychosis of these individual’s. They still had major mental problems and at the effect of Scientology’s dictates and their past traumas. And as we have seen it has driven people into psychotic states leading to death. So let’s applaud those poor souls who pay upwards of six figures to become full on delusional so they can drive in the fast lane of a freeway.
Four dollars and some anti-antiperspirant and my clamminess goes away too. Or you can order 'Mando', a concoction that stops bacterial growth and leaves you stink free for up to 72 hours. That is much cheaper than spending time at Stain Hill and getting regrooved by the brain leeches.
I suppose that all of the hypnotic type of commands in Auditing could help someone with anxiety about driving and mountain climbing, but it would take a lot of skill to do that and I've never seen a directed outcome that good. I suspect Natialia was just riding on her post certificate high when she went on her drive.
"I decided to go with my daughter onto a mountain side and scale it. For two and a half hours with only two metal clips between us and the mountain side."
1. She could barely drive on the freeway, but is now fine scaling a mountain with only two clips between two people?
2. How old is this child she is putting at severe risk doing this? (Because she admitted she just started doing this so is not really experienced or trained )
I thought the same thing. Rock climbing is risky and takes a lot more skill than driving the speed limit - did she even have a guide? Was she actually leading FFS, please tell me no for the sake of her daughter as well as herself.
To all of my fellow Bunker fans; the "wasband" and OT 8 ex husband died last Thursday. He was on staff at the L. I .Org. for over 30 years. Two Scientologists attended his Jewish funeral ( his kids had the last say!) The two Scientologists are getting financial rewards as per his will. One will be reimbursed for conducting a scientology funeral soon. This guy is bilking my kids for every cent - charging for airfair (he is already here in NYC.) and he wants to buy a new Chaplin's' outfit on their dime. Plus he is getting paid for the "service" that none of the Ex husband's family are invited to. His will provided for all this, plus giving Partnership to another scientologist & leaving most of our kids out of the partnership. PS! I found out that his scientologist/dame/girlfriend (who was permitted to speak at his funeral and sit with the family, while sat in the back;)was with him BEFORE he left me! I cried for months while he was sick. NOW; I mourn him NOT!
While I rejoice as much as the next critic at the prospect of jokes involving clamminess, I’m more morbidly obsessed by the “before and after” quality of the staffer ad. Le Sigh.
When a clam complains about "clamminess", the jokes just write themselves.
I tried so hard not to go there but really, how could you not?
OTV, the level where I finally decided I would not do any more auditing. Poor Natalia. All those nicely framed certificates attesting to nothing. How many times does someone have to believe they’ve gotten rid of all those pesky body thetans before they start saying “wait, this sounds familiar?”
I worked shoulder to shoulder with the founder’s wife and daughter and by OTV all the allure of the OT Levels was gone for me. After I made the decision to never again pick up the cans, I blamed myself for all the bad that befell on me because I had to have such evil intentions not to believe in that claptrap.
I’m glad that she feels free. I hope she really does. But, spoiler alert: OT levels are a trap. They do not free you, they entrap you. The money she throws at that fake freedom could be used to help her daughter achieve real greatness. What a waste.
As for those two staff members; neither of them looks in the least bit happy. What is this all they have?
I felt the same way about the two staff members.
So Natalia can drive and climb heights without fear after OTV, which is Dianetics for OTs. That means she had BTs hanging around with earlier similar angst ... and that leads to all kinds of questions: why wouldn't those BTs pop up during OT3 or OT4 ... both of hich are lso looking for BTs with issues? I assume her clamminess was sweat stemming from not confronting what was in front of her ... something one could resolve on the first course in Scientology. So it took her until OTV to rid herself of something she could have conquered otherwise. But hey, I'm glad she's not sweating about driving and heights. She doesn't mention other clamminess she might have, but not to worry: she can keep spending her money, get to OT8, and find out everything she thinks she's achieved is a farce. Bless her clammy little heart.
The typical OT V: scrape the thousands of body thetans(disembodied beings) off your body, does give some temporary relief from a few obvious chronic emotional issues. My observations of hundreds of people who went through this level is;(including myself), it did nothing to mitigate the long term neurosis and psychosis of these individual’s. They still had major mental problems and at the effect of Scientology’s dictates and their past traumas. And as we have seen it has driven people into psychotic states leading to death. So let’s applaud those poor souls who pay upwards of six figures to become full on delusional so they can drive in the fast lane of a freeway.
Four dollars and some anti-antiperspirant and my clamminess goes away too. Or you can order 'Mando', a concoction that stops bacterial growth and leaves you stink free for up to 72 hours. That is much cheaper than spending time at Stain Hill and getting regrooved by the brain leeches.
I suppose that all of the hypnotic type of commands in Auditing could help someone with anxiety about driving and mountain climbing, but it would take a lot of skill to do that and I've never seen a directed outcome that good. I suspect Natialia was just riding on her post certificate high when she went on her drive.
"I decided to go with my daughter onto a mountain side and scale it. For two and a half hours with only two metal clips between us and the mountain side."
1. She could barely drive on the freeway, but is now fine scaling a mountain with only two clips between two people?
2. How old is this child she is putting at severe risk doing this? (Because she admitted she just started doing this so is not really experienced or trained )
I thought the same thing. Rock climbing is risky and takes a lot more skill than driving the speed limit - did she even have a guide? Was she actually leading FFS, please tell me no for the sake of her daughter as well as herself.
Are we really to trust Natalia was able to drive on the motorway free of fear and then scale mountain?? Such bullshit!!!
To all of my fellow Bunker fans; the "wasband" and OT 8 ex husband died last Thursday. He was on staff at the L. I .Org. for over 30 years. Two Scientologists attended his Jewish funeral ( his kids had the last say!) The two Scientologists are getting financial rewards as per his will. One will be reimbursed for conducting a scientology funeral soon. This guy is bilking my kids for every cent - charging for airfair (he is already here in NYC.) and he wants to buy a new Chaplin's' outfit on their dime. Plus he is getting paid for the "service" that none of the Ex husband's family are invited to. His will provided for all this, plus giving Partnership to another scientologist & leaving most of our kids out of the partnership. PS! I found out that his scientologist/dame/girlfriend (who was permitted to speak at his funeral and sit with the family, while sat in the back;)was with him BEFORE he left me! I cried for months while he was sick. NOW; I mourn him NOT!
While I rejoice as much as the next critic at the prospect of jokes involving clamminess, I’m more morbidly obsessed by the “before and after” quality of the staffer ad. Le Sigh.