It is huge that the judge stated in open court that scientology had shown malice. Scientology banks on everyone being so afraid of them they back off. It worked on me for over 30 years after I got out. I am very cautiously optimistic that maybe the tide may be turning just a teensy bit against scientology and their intimidation tactics. Fingers (and toes) crossed.

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Fingers crossed there is "enough" to go forward and make a difference in some way.

It just feels (as a lay person) to be slipping through the fingers again :-(

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Well, if he knew about this case at all, which no-one can prove that he does, defendant David "he is NOT insane!" Miscavige would have to explain that he is not minded to being available for their so-called "justice."

Nice, tax exempt, organisation!

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Thanks for the update, Tony. I ca,n't wait to see Leah's attorneys roast Scientology, certain people especially!

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