Apr 19·edited Apr 19

"Holy Xenu's trousers" indeed!

But, I think this whole facilities trend, getting the rich "parishioners" (get them first thinking they are parishioners, check, Hubbard achieved that one already), and Miscavige gets them donating to buy the facilities. That's kind of normal, isn't it, the rich parishioners donating to the wealth of their church of choice.

So, that really is the "big" step official Scientology has achieved, which is this rich parishioner donating big bucks, for big acquiring facilities, that seems a traditional human tradition.

The big step, I think, is getting the average world citizen to know how Xenu fits into Scientologists using the special Emeter gizmo to detect the body-thetans whom Xenu mass murdered/mass-implanted-with-the-R6-"Implants" during the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, which happened, per the secret Scientology beliefs, this big doozy "engram" was caused by Xenu here on earth, 75 million years ago.

If the broad understanding by the public, rises someday, to the non Scientologists understanding of the two big efforts that are done in the posh Scientology facilities:

a)past lives trauma "therapy" of Hubbard's unique style

b) exorcism/soul-freeing done on Xenu's body-thetans which Xenu showered earth with, using the Scientology Emeter gizmo to detect the body-thetans

IF that becomes common knowledge, then Scientology will have gotten over their public eduction step. The public will have a chance of knowing what goes on in those posh "Ideal Orgs" and the "Advanced Orgs" and the "Flag Service Org" where all the engram trauma therapy is done, and the exorcism is taught, using the Emeter gizmo.

That'd be Scientology practices 101, to at least get the public someday up to grokking.

Then if people wish to do this past lives trauma alleviation Hubbard pseudo-therapy and the Hubbard exorcism/soul-freeing, that's on the public. At least they have been informed what is coming if they do the practices for real, all the way.

(I don't think the public will ever buy the Hubbard past lives therapy/exorcism-soul-freeing using the Emeter gizmo, but at least this is a step for the public I hope will reach someday, that's how I describe Scientology today when asked. I give the ten second definition of Scientology this way.)

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Miscavige is moving the financials of the Clampire from Lron's pay for play 'training' to one based on 'donations'' By being 'donation' based, they avoid the 'business model' that had the US Supreme Court calling $cientology a business. I think Miscavige is just adopting more camouflage to appear more conventional. The hell with emeters and engram 'auditing', get your $cieno salvation by donating to a soon to be empty building. And maybe get a nice bowling trophy to boot.

This campaign keeps the minions with their noses to the grindstone and too busy to notice how empty the mOrgs are. Plus corporate will as usual keep a large percentage of any money raised for the IAS or COB's booze fund. I can see more and more of the minions escaping from the constant demands for more money.

Only the really well off or the whales will be soon be the only ones holding the cans. And that appears to be the way Miscavige wants it. Why bother with anyone who isn't on staff or Sea bOrg, either prove your fealty by being on staff or Sea bOrg or by giving over a stack of dollars. Everyone else can just lump it. They aren't 'upstat' enough anyway.

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I will give them this, the two font choices on the flier weren't bad and it was overall readable. The graphic designer for that one must be closer to Clear.

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He needs to get those orgs built before Xenu calls him home. He’s not going to live to see them if it takes another 20 years.

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