Thanks for your clear, concise analysis of your experience in the church. Those early years are really important for infants. The very well researched Conspirituality podcast just did s long episode in RFK, Jr. and his exhibiting all the hallmarks of disorganized attachment disorder. I think Trump is another poster child for the same issue. This is when personal issues become national crises.

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Thanks anonymous writer for the strong truths. Family in scientology is disposable. It is part of their teachings. So glad you bucked the teachings and raised secure children. Twice as glad you escaped with your children and are re discovering the joy of living.

Good luck to her in your search, but just a hint, something else I had to relearn after leaving: alone is ok, you are stronger than you believe. Wait to share your life until you are sure you love you again.

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"So, Scientology can all take a long walk off a short pier with their parenting suggestions. The church makes bound-feet princesses, not healthy people." -- Just one amazing bit of such a great testimonial. As a never-in raised by a narcissistic, attachment-issued mother, I am grateful you 'dug your heels in' to try and avoid what all those others did to their kids. May you and yours find love and peace filled with people who treat you right. ♡

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Well said, anonymous writer. Your take on how everyone is disposable in the $cienoverse is very damning and your take on how it damages children and wrecks them for life should be shouted from every rooftop. I salute you from afar.

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This extraordinary testimony illuminates the profound irony of Scientology: the born-ins they are raising are so mangled as babies and children, that they are the precise type of person you don't want in your planet-clearing hierarchy. They are missing the prime aspect of a flawless unit: Attachment to others and the ability to present a united front.

Miscavige, you have literally missed the boat.

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Thank you.

I seem unable to post comments on the Bunker.

Your analysis of the deep trauma caused by non-present or chaotic parenting rings true.

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Hubbard contradicted himself quite a bit. On the surface he praised raising a family with care and then contradicted all that with how insignificant they are in relation to past lives.

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