After our last discussion with Valerie Haney, we still can’t believe that Scientology, sanctioned by a court of law, is getting away with abusing her once again under the farcical excuse of “religious arbitration.”
It was bad enough that Scientology’s attorneys convinced the Los Angeles Superior Court that its one-sided and completely unfair setup for arbitration was something Valerie was obliged to take part in, but then it became clear that they’ve put her through days and days of abusive nonsense because they have no actual interest in arbitrating her claims.
She’s already sat through five days of it, and Scientology wants her to go through even more before they will go back to court and inform Judge Gail Killefer that the sham process is complete.
We’re still waiting to hear from Valerie about how that’s going to unfold. But in the meantime, Scientology posted a new press release which sure feels like they’re spiking the football.
It’s your typical “safepointing” operation, where they are currying favor with a local leader, in this case Hugo Argumedo, the mayor of the City of Commerce, which is an industrial district known mainly for which freeways pass through it.
Volunteers spent the sunny spring afternoon shoveling, picking up and hauling away all the trash from the site. The team collected and disposed of 58 bags of waste, tree branches—even a discarded car bumper.
And isn’t that a great metaphor for what Scientology is trying to do to Valerie Haney. Hidden away in a printing plant in a sea of warehouses, it’s trying to take the trash out and flush Valerie’s claims without her having an attorney with her, or even a transcript of what’s going on.
We see you, Scientology.
Adell Hartwell, 1923-2013
The 1980 news clipping about the Hartwells, Adell and Ernest, that we published on Sunday turned out to be very popular, and we heard from a lot of people who were wondering what had happened with the Hartwells and their daughter Ver-Dawn, who was a young “Messenger” to Scientology founder L, Ron Hubbard.
We’re still looking into that, but in the meantime, we did find this interesting obituary for Adell, who died in 2013, and we thought you’d want to see it.
Mary (Dell) Adell Barnes, 89, passed away Monday, March 25, 2013 in Medford, Ore. with family members by her side.
Dell was born September 21, 1923 in Castle Dale, Utah. She was the third of five children born to Jerome (Lome) Asay Jr. and Mary Louise Jensen. She was preceded in death by her brothers, Gene and Lynn Asay.
Dell graduated Dixie High School in St. George, Utah in 1942. After graduation she moved to California with other family members to assist the WWII effort. Dell was a Rosie the Riveter for Douglas Aircraft in Southern California and always had a huge smile when she saw Rosie the Riveter posters, That was us! she would say.
Dell was preceded in death by three husbands, all of whom served their country honorably. She married Weldon Bill Empey in 1945. They had four children, Mary Louise, Billie Renee, Weldon Jay, and Ver-Dawn. Weldon (Bill) later served in Korea and was a decorated war hero. Their primary residence was Henderson, Nev.
In July of 1972, Dell married Ernest Hartwell, of Las Vegas, Nev. They shared a zest for life, a love of dance and art, and enjoyed many years together.
After losing Ernie, Dell moved to Southern Oregon to be with her youngest child, Ver-Dawn (Dawn) Bywater and her family. She established Mrs. Dell’s Mend Shop in Medford, and met James (Jim) McDowell Barnes, of Merrill, Ore. at a senior center dance. They married in 1998. Jim had served as a councilman for Klamath City for many years. He and his father established Farmer’s Sand and Gravel which continues to serve the Klamath Basin today. Dell and Jim enjoyed retirement, dancing and traveling together. They later moved from Merrill to Medford, Ore.
Dell believed in hard work, creativity, and enjoyed helping others. Her jobs and businesses ranged from seamstress, artist, published photographer, event caterer, and dancer. She served her church in many capacities including relief society president, primary president, and, as drama director, she choreographed four variety shows, one of which took first place in a tri-state area.
Mary Adell is respected, remembered, loved, and supported by many who are not mentioned here.
A memorial service will be held at 12:00 p.m., April 20, 2013, at the Church of Latter Day Saints, 2141 Brookhust Ave, Medford, Ore. We all love and miss you Dell!
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If Scientology ran the world Valerie’s sham arbitration would be the norm. George Orwell described the nightmare as justice in his book 1984. The fact is Scientology is not a religion and does not deserve the protection given it by the court system. I’ve experienced the gaslighting of the cult justice system and Valerie gets my applause and respect for going through the gauntlet.
'Dancing in God's Garden'. Nice way to put it. The Hartwells seem to have had a good life and Ver-Dawn escaped too.
The Clampire has abused Valerie Haney for many years and is doing it again. With the help of the US court system. When will the courts understand that?