4. Which field OT or Scientologist would you be most interested in hearing a seminar or workshop from? Gavin Potter, he needs to accept some court papers.

5. Which top Ideal Org contributors would you like to hear from to share successful actions with you?

Why yes, bring in Grant Cardone, Trish Duggan and Bob Cummins. I want to hear about how they have fleeced real estate investors and people trying to get cheaper electricity. Trish can stay out of that scrum, she is living off of her exs huge payoff for drugs.

Unknown child shall lead them to glory. Or just try to be an 'opinion setter' for the younger tykes. Does unknown child like being par-boiled or just well steamed? The dangers of just heat are too well known and when you throw in vitamin overdoes, what are you doing to that child's health future?

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Poor Maria!

Reading the survey questions before coffee, two things stood out:

1.“New Civilization” (WHAT.)

2. there are *ticket prices* to weekend Ideal Org conventions where you are fleeced and taught to fleece others.

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Yeah. I noticed the New Civilisation. This sector of the galaxy has no clue what’s in stall for it. /sarcasm

Oh, and 1% again. That’s a lot of books 😂

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This should be illegal.

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"[Name] Congratulations for completed the [course name]"


"Now she is study Technology Pro!"

and somewhat questionable

"Give your children the tools to success in life."

Kids out school? Send here to keep learn for Summer! </sarcasm> (_my_ sentences were intentionally wrong)

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Jun 21·edited Jun 21

When I speak to never ins, like to relatives, I call it quack pseudo-therapy for children.

It's past lives delving pseudo-therapy. I do think in history, a few under 18 Scientologists have even done the Hubbard quackery exorcism of Xenu's R6 implanted body-thetans "soul freeing" off their underage human bodies.

Quack pseudo-therapy, delving into past lives.

Exorcism of body-thetans which Xenu implanted with the R6 implants and dumped onto earth to infest all humans, requiring the Hubbard OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorism/soul-freeing procedures.

Scientology children conceivably potentially in their "best case" instances could be doing the highest levels of the Hubbard quackery. The only saving grace is Hubbard's steps leading up to the top quackery are so arduous and tedious and difficult, that children almost never get to OT 3 before they are 18 years old.

Xenu for kids too, in otherwards. Technically (quackifyingly) the Xenu explanation can be given if the kids qualify and are given the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Hubbard Xenu exorcism/soul-freeing.

I'd be interested what is the youngest person to do OT 3! That's the upperest quackery on the youngest Scientologists, once that is established who the young persons were who did do the OT 3 theory and exorcism/soul-freeing.

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Both my children did the purification rundown when they were preteens. That helped f—k them up.

They are still in, both in their twenties. They haven’t communicated with me for over 6 years. They are living empty lives. Fortunately the odds are against them staying in the cult.

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I hope they will soon be freed from this corrupt system

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Brenda, thank you. I am patient. It will happen. I intend to be around for a long time.

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Scientology kids are seldom in school even during the school year. There is a massive Why bother attitude. Education is a low priority. Those wog schools don’t even have study tech, so they believe their children aren’t getting anything valuable in school anyway.

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