Why say it in forty words when you can say it in 40,000, right, Dave?

Using archaic words like “wherefore” over and over just make you sound pompous, not important.

One of my offspring was living in Portland during the time you claim. They recall the org being boarded up then.

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I was just in San Francisco Monday Dec 11th where Brothers Broken screened at Another Hole In The Head film festival and I personally visited the San Francisco ideal org.

Empty, no one going in or out. Like an ideal morgue. For all of Davy’s hyperbole that is the truth. His massive program of real estate acquisitions have done nothing to change the world other than to impoverish the followers and staff who March to the drum beat of the twisted brainwashing spewed by Scientology’s propaganda machine.

My question is: does anyone have an idea of approximately how many people attended the new years event at the shrine?

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Thank God I didn't have to sit though this screed. In reading it, I only got through the Portland bit, where the wonder of OT intention is described as stopping the riot cold. As best I've known, the riot was stopped by the use of teargas by the police. As for the 44K copies of The Way to Happiness, Portland has over 600K residents, so "Portland Calm" was pretty much fluff, and likely left a whole lot of booklets on the ground, unopened and stepped on: aka, litter.

I skimmed the rest. For those in the audience (I'd love to know how many showed up) ... for those who've trained, audited, and been audited, there must be a jarring, albeit dampened, crisis in their minds: what happened to the emphasis Hubbard himself gave the "technology" that isn't administrative? DM's emphasis on everything BUT auditing and training is glaring.

All-in-all, I'm mainly disappointed DM wasn't legally served while he was on the stage. That would have been a highlight worth celebrating. Still, kudos to Chris Shelton and you, Tony, for leaking this before the Scientologists — who aren't already reading it on your site — will have to sit through the video of it.

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Damn. I made the wrong choice. Scientology is truly saving us all! I need to get back there to help. We all want to be in the group of “those who helped”. 🤢

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Sunny, I’m so glad you have a sense of humor. That speech is the reason scientologists don’t have to take drugs, you’ve got all the effects of a bad trip, hallucinations, and then a nice sleep all rolled into one speech.

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Sunny, yes, reading the transcript brought back the amazing endorphin memories of past new years at the shrine when I was elevated by the amazing breakthroughs achieved by Scientology around the globe.

Then I remembered my visit to the SMP facility in Los Angeles where all the slick video and audio propaganda is produced. Their dedication to taking tiny achievements and turning them into massive world shaking events. The lie factory. And then I remembered the almost empty buildings on L Ron Hubbard way. And empty ideal orgs around the world.

Sunny, don’t be taken in by David MisDweebiges hyperbolic storytelling. You are helping us with your stories and experiences about the true nature of Scientology abuse and brainwashing.

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That’s way too many lies to read this early in the morning and, tbh, I doubt I will ever finish his speech because ummm why? But Dave, didja ever stop to consider that perhaps if scientology had had even the teeniest hand in stopping the mess in Portland, it might have been mentioned on the news? I tend to believe chukita’s version that Portland, like all the other scientology orgs during that time, was boarded up.

But I gotta hand it to Dave, way to play up what is ancient history for the rest of us as though it was yesterday. I guess when you spend all your days in hiding, the world moves in without you.

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Unfortunately, the Co$ tends to conflate “coincidence” and “correlation” with “causation”.

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Even if I was a scientologist still I would like to believe that if the leader got up at the 2023 NYE event and bragged about what had been accomplished in 2020 and then looking forward, told me that they would be doing what he claimed they were going to do in 2023 but didn’t get done, I would hope I would at least have a few WTF moments. I hope this speech woke up some people. Obviously there are some who are on their way out or we wouldn’t have the audio. Thanks to the leaker, may many people realize that this is 2023 not 2020 and those laurels he’s resting on have expired.

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All in all, that was pretty much the same speech that Mustravige has been giving for the last 30 years.

'on and on'... What no 'so on and so forth'?

The true $cieno mantra. 'having equals control' As in we have your children, if you want to talk to them, toe the line.

And of course, the obligatory , '25,000 square feet of drywall' Plus all the square feet of the mOrgs. So many numbers were thrown out that my head started to spin. As intended.

' What is Scientology? Chances are we’re not what you expect. ..' What did Lisa McPherson expect? Whatever that was, being starved and dehydrated to her death wasn't her idea. As for all of the promises verbally given to all new meat, caveat emptor.

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Maybe I missed it, but I saw no mention of the number of IAS attendees, which, in the past would have been inflated to thousands. Thanks to Alex and company for their presence, which definitely helped all to see the true number of people who were there. I did skim through and I fail to see how distributing pamphlets can be considered an act of religious activity that truly served the public interest. Their doors are open to all?? Unless, of course you have real problems, in which case they can offer no help. They are only interested in helping the able become more able. Only those people can be counted on to come up with the money to pay for courses and give big donations to the organization. I did notice a couple of references that might sound Christian like, but since L Ron stated that there was no Christ and that he himself was the anti-Christ, I can’t help but wonder what higher power DM is referring to. Lots of meaningless words, as usual.

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Okay, so curiosity got the better of me so I tried to search for what thing involved the US Senate and Applied Scholastics that got turned into this: Finally, there’s Applied Scholastics now marking a golden anniversary and their 50-year legacy is recognized by no less than the United States Senate for ensuring quality education for the nation’s students.

I don't know if that's just a flat out made up thing or I missed something they could have inflated into that statement. Anyone know what in the heck they were referring to there?

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I’d like to know more about this. That claim was vague as hekk.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I think I got my answer? Poor saps in CoS...

"And in that regard, what’s about to roll out is nothing less than monumental. Not a new category of golden age, but an expansion of them all, from the long awaited recovery of yet another introductory route, to new discoveries in the Golden Age of Knowledge and that’s quite in addition to new technical releases spanning the entire Bridge."

That would be like the wrong comma in a sentence Basics thing, only a LOT worse. Right?

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The twins were picked up *by* a hammer? I'm sorry, that's all that caught my eye. Immense wall of text, the visual counterpart to droning. I am biased, though.

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Is it possible that $cientology reaches out to enterprising, prosperous people (twins or not), and the merit can appear to be 'religious'?

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To those who were in, does this imply what I think it does???

"Namely, Scientology’s descending the bridge in the works and stepping out to start the cycle anew."

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