I located the policy that I referred to in my comment. It is HCOPL 27 Oct 64R "Policies on Physical Healing, Insanity and Sources of Trouble". This is the one that lists the types of PTS from A to J. https://www.suppressiveperson.org/1964/10/27/hcopl-policies-on-physical-healing-insanity-and-sources-of-trouble/ Made confusing by the fact that there are also PTS conditions from i. to iii.

It is very clear in my memory from the experience of sitting in the Ethics office at San Francisco Org, 414 Mason St, and being told that I was PTS type A and C. A because my father objected to me blowing my cash on Scientology and C because my brother called a radio station call-in program. And threatened to take them to small claims court for the $25 useless Communications Course. 1975-ish.

Reading through the issue, I saw the line: "So these policies refer to nonScientology persons in the main or persons who appear on the outer fringes and push toward us." The Ethics Officer was not amused and told me to get on with my "handling". I was eventually thrown out of Scientology by the Guardian's Office based on this issue, but when they needed an E-Meter engineer in 1979 I got sucked back in. Always had a soft spot for odd electronic things like Blue Boxes and E-Meters.

The full quote:

"To summarize sources of trouble, the policy in general is to cut communication, as the longer it is extended the more trouble they are. I know of no case where the types of persons listed above were handled by auditing or instruction.

I know of many cases where they were handled by firm legal stands, by ignoring them until they changed their minds, or just turning one’s back.

In applying such a policy of cut-communication, one must also use judgment as there are exceptions in all things, and to fail to handle a person’s momentary upset in life or with us can be quite fatal. So these policies refer to nonScientology persons in the main or persons who appear on the outer fringes and push toward us. When such a person bears any of the above designations, we and the many are better off to ignore them. " The "above descriptions" are the A to J classifications.

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Agreed. The massive Hubbard writings box them in.

It would take some Miscavige change of heart, and he's heartless, so change is impossible.

A new AVC person who is ordered by Miscavige to simply NOT approve ANY further SP declares, is one way to stop SP declaring.

All the existing SPs, they'd have to get amnestied, or Review Comm Ev'd to remove their SP label, or the "SPs" would have to do their A to E steps.

But were Miscavige to put a stopper on ALL future SP declares, that'd be a way to gum up Hubbard's rules.

Hubbard's rules say that all lower Ethics Officers wishing to official declare someone SP, have to send the submission paperwork to Int Justice Chief, via the Cont Justice Chiefs if it's a lower org. Sea Org orgs just send their paperwork to Int Justice Chief. Int Justice Chief sends the final proposal to AVC Int, and it's approved there.

So, the one way Miscavige COULD slow things up, is let it be known he does NOT expect many actual "new SPs" being declared.

That's not likely, due to Miscavige being one to use the SP declaring as a weapon of his authority.

But, could slowing down of future SP declaring be done, yes, but have to get Miscavige off the thrown, or wait for him to die of old age.

Best, for scientologists who believe in the Hubbard quack pseudo-therapy and exorcism to just quit and join the fair minded tamer freezone/Ron's Orgs or individual groups that just don't do the full Hubbard nastiness to themselves and others

It's always better to quit Scientology, and suffer the consequences.


I wonder if Diana Hubbard is in touch with any of the Apollo era "SPs"?

Miscavige is the biggest block to taming down Scientology, but then the next move a Scientologist has to make, is quit official Scientology, and join a splinter Scientology group, or just return to another religion, or no religion.


There's just no logical way to dump enough of the Hubbard rules, from within official Scientology, the Hubbard regulations are just too intertwinned and undismantleable.

It's just best to quit the official full blown Hubbard setup.

Use the "if it's not true for you, it's not true" rule, and quit.

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Skepticism is very much warranted on this trial balloon. If indeed it is a balloon. I do hope some on the big list of the disconnected at the Bunker get contact with their family members. But I don't see Mike Rinder or Phil and Willie Jones ever hearing from their $cieno children. Being a public detractor of the Clampire will always result in an SP declare and/or some unfair game. That is just the way Miscavige rolls.

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I did the most updated PTS/SP course in 2014 from Golden Age Of Tech. I was under the radar and I wanted to see if anything regarding disconnection had changed. It had not. The idea that PTSness caused all illness or mistakes was still because you were connected to an SP. And sure enough this was still The BIG TRUTH IN THE SKY. With that dogma in place disconnection is still in place. Plus no case gain can occur if you are connected to an SP. So it’s not changed at all. I’ve got a son and daughter disconnected from me 6 years ago. Not a peep.

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I'll let you know if I hear from my disconnected family member at Int Base. Just like Tony will let us know if he hears back from Karen Pouw.

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SPs can communicate to the Int Justice Chief.

Ask the Int Justice Chief. He'd know.

Bet no one hears back, when they write though.

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