Here we are on the final Monday of 2024, and we thought, before things really get going again after the holidays, we’d do a roundup of all the litigation we’ve been following here at the Underground Bunker this year.
Thanks to Tony for the update on all the legal matters. In addition to my watching Lyintology dwindle, following the legal matters is what keeps me interested.
Judge Robert Broadbelt's decision on how unfair $cieno 'arbitration' is must make its way into court. His decision is the axe that will gut the way the Clampire screws over (again) any who signed a contract with them.
Great update, Tony! Thank you for bringing SCN news all year round. I'm looking forward to seeing the Plaintiffs prevail in every court case. Much Love to you and all Underground Bunker Readers. 💜💜💜
Thanks to Tony for the update on all the legal matters. In addition to my watching Lyintology dwindle, following the legal matters is what keeps me interested.
Judge Robert Broadbelt's decision on how unfair $cieno 'arbitration' is must make its way into court. His decision is the axe that will gut the way the Clampire screws over (again) any who signed a contract with them.
Great update, Tony! Thank you for bringing SCN news all year round. I'm looking forward to seeing the Plaintiffs prevail in every court case. Much Love to you and all Underground Bunker Readers. 💜💜💜