My guess is closing ceremonies on August 11th for the Olympics will also spell the beginning of the end for Paris Org.

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I'm looking forward to hearing what happened to the old infestations of the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology, those in Paris itself. The bOrg, minutes walk from tourism hotspot at the Place de Bastille, and the Celeb Center, out in a cozy boundary arrondissement (the 17th).

There will be lots of foot traffic when sports events are on, but those people will be focused on getting to the venue. When they leave the venue, you might not want them as customers. (Even in the frightfully genteel 16th arrondissement, the shops close and shutter on sports events days.)

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If this is a typo that is actually in the Paris org BS publicity release in the Impact magazine it is perfect.

“Paris will hose the 2024 Summer Olympics.”

More specifically Scientology will “hose” people visiting the summer Olympics.

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I noticed that typo as well but 'hose' sure is an appropriate word to describe the actions of Scientology.

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I’m going to be heading to Paris the week before the Olympics, so will look forward to visiting and see if it’s a busy as they say. Last time I went to London I was quite disappointed that their Tottenham Court Road building is closed on a Saturday!

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...and Sunday 😊

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"A group of contractors who had worked on the building came back for a tour and then signed on for introductory services." I call total bullshite on that line. All is roses and bagatelles in Paris. And what happens when the staff don't get paid and have to get real jobs.

The neighbors won't be so happy when they look at the history of the Clampire in France. Lroon was convicted of fraud in 1978 and sentenced to 4 years in prison in absentia. A sentence that was never served.

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1. "Recognizing that this “Ideal Org of staggering proportions” was made possible by the International Association of Scientologists, Chairman of the Board RTC, Mr. David Miscavige, described it as “an Org imbued with the life force of members from 158 nations.”" -- So besides Holy See and Palestine, who are the other 35 countries that have managed to keep Scientology out?

2. Designed like the sequoia tree? You mean a tree that's native to California? Why?

3. "...said Thomas, who completed the PTS/SP Course and was amazed at how many people were on service that first day." -- Read: Normally when I go somewhere on course the church is empty.

4. If I was all the other groups, I would be asking why the IAS isn't paying for my ideal org to be done as well.

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With the glowing praise they give themselves, it sounds like people from all over Paris are joining Scientology. When I was involved in Scientology in Toronto, a city of close to 3 million people, I would estimate that the number of active members was at most about 200. It's probably about the same in Paris and every other city where Scientology has a location. Scientology has always had a small following and it appears to be getting smaller. To everyone who is still active in Scientology I can only say: wake up and face reality. You're being brainwashed.

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Proportions both staggering AND Olympic! I miss the Silver Mullet.

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I love the weekly reports Tony and Chris provide, even though I read almost every article.

I just can't comprehend how Scn is still in business. I send my condolences to the Mills' family and friends. I intend they prevail in court, though there is so little justice, as we've witnessed.

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