Since Scientology reacted to the Whitney Mills wrongful-death lawsuit by angrily denying that she had been encouraged by a fellow church member to do a “drop the body assist” because, the church said, there was no such thing in Scientology, we have been hearing from former church members who say that the concept of dropping the body — in other words, ending this lifetime to begin another one — is very much a part of Scientology culture. And now, we’ve received this anecdote from a reader who only very recently left the organization. We thought you’d want to hear what they had to say.
I was a public in Scientology for about 15 years and made it to OT VIII and did the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, so I was also a Class VI Auditor. I found Scientology from picking up Dianetics in the library in a very rural small town. There was no org in my area, so I had to drive two hours to the nearest city to get to the closest org. I finally “woke up and saw the light” that I had been brainwashed into a very evil cult about nine months ago.
I personally witnessed a person receive the “dropping the body” assist, and for a long time. The fact that Scientology denies this exists is absolutely absurd.
While training on the SHSBC at ASHO [Saint Hill Special Briefing Course at the American Saint Hill Organization in Los Angeles], I lived with my best friend at the time, who I will call Emily. We shared an apartment and I lived with her on and off for about four years. She was married to John, a high-level OSA [Office of Special Affairs, Scientology’s secret police] operative. John and Emily had an apartment in New York and John was there while Emily was in LA doing her OT levels at AOLA [Advanced Organization Los Angeles].
One night John had a major stroke while in his New York apartment alone and laid on the floor all night until the next day when Sea Org members were looking for him. He never recovered and was now “useless” to Scientology.
There were so many nights Emily would cry, saying, “I can’t get any help from Scientology. John worked 15-hour days for them for many years and now all they do is send an auditor to his room in the nursing home to do his ‘dropping the body’ assists. They completely blame him for not getting his PTS [Potential Trouble Source] Handlings and they said he did this to himself and had not acted responsively.”
There was a period of time that John was getting these assists in the bedroom of the Los Angeles apartment we shared, and I would wonder if I would come home from course or wake up to a dead body in the room next to me because if the “assist” worked, that’s what would happen. But the “dropping the body” assists weren’t working and Emily would be called in to the MAA [Master-at-Arms] at AOLA with instructions to “handle her husband” by getting him to cooperate with the assists and drop the body.
Emily had to file for bankruptcy from all the medical bills, and the MAA would tell her, “You better get him to cooperate and drop the body or his medical bills won’t end.”
It was a Class XII auditor who came to the apartment to deliver the assists. I think John was OT V, so he was very familiar with the telepathic communication to all of his body thetans. I don’t know what the actual commands of the assist were, but it seemed like the Class XII auditor would tell Emily she was trying a different variation when one did not work after several days. The auditor would tell Emily that she needed to be “very Tone 40” to push John to do the commands in the assist, because it was John who has to do it and he wasn’t cooperating. The auditor tried daily for weeks. Then John was transferred to a nursing home and it was fazed out.
Scientology finally ended up washing their hands of John, and he passed away peacefully earlier this year.
It was heartbreaking for me to see Emily go through this, and Scientology was being so cold. And even though they awarded John a Freedom Medal for his involvement helping with Purifs [Purification Rundowns] in the 911 attacks in New York, and his many achievements at OSA — he was successful at “attacking” a lot of SPs [Suppressive Persons, enemies of the church] and was highly regarded by OSA — he became “utterly useless” to them overnight and they treated him accordingly.
I wanted to give you this story to help you show your readers that these assists are very real and are used more than anyone thinks. I was never in the Sea Org, so for a public to view this first-hand, it doesn’t even seem like they are trying to hide it.
— A reader
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A sad story. And a cruel contrast to the "life without limits" offered by the advertising.
“The auditor would tell Emily that she needed to be “very Tone 40” to push John to do the commands in the assist, because it was John who has to do it and he wasn’t cooperating. The auditor tried daily for weeks. Then John was transferred to a nursing home and it was fazed out.
Scientology finally ended up washing their hands of John, and he passed away peacefully earlier this year.”
Tom Cruise, are you reading this? This is your fate. The minute your body falters, your Freedom Medal will be nothing. When you are no longer in a position to do anything good for Scientology, they will unceremoniously abandon you.
Scientology’s outward abuse and cruelty to human beings is abhorrent. This, however, is an example of the psychological abuse incurred on a daily basis on its adherents. It is harder to identify and much harder to escape.
What a brave woman to share this very true look behind the curtain.