A sad story. And a cruel contrast to the "life without limits" offered by the advertising.

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Powerful story, thanks to the reader for sharing it.

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“The auditor would tell Emily that she needed to be “very Tone 40” to push John to do the commands in the assist, because it was John who has to do it and he wasn’t cooperating. The auditor tried daily for weeks. Then John was transferred to a nursing home and it was fazed out.

Scientology finally ended up washing their hands of John, and he passed away peacefully earlier this year.”

Tom Cruise, are you reading this? This is your fate. The minute your body falters, your Freedom Medal will be nothing. When you are no longer in a position to do anything good for Scientology, they will unceremoniously abandon you.

Scientology’s outward abuse and cruelty to human beings is abhorrent. This, however, is an example of the psychological abuse incurred on a daily basis on its adherents. It is harder to identify and much harder to escape.

What a brave woman to share this very true look behind the curtain.

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Thank you 'former public', your testimony was to the point and very necessary to find the truth. By now OSA has identified you, but you knew that when you testified. Exposing the Clampires crimes is no easy task, so bless you for testifying.

The 'It's always worse than you think' meme is oh so relevant to today's story. 'John' was treated like any other minion in $cientology. Work or die or pay everything you have is the real end phenomenon of $cientology.

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This example is what I have seen. When a person gets a 'drop the body" assist most of the time they were going to drop their body anyway. It is not a technical procedure like turning off life support, it is some commands to the thetan. Scn's think thetans have all this heightened awareness when they die and are busy making their battle plan (to-do list) for their next life. I have seen someone die and it isn't easy. There is no cheerful planning, you are turning off a lot of interconnected equipment simultaneously. There is no time for lists.

I don't know why SCN cannot be candid and say we are a church and we sometimes offer final words to our parishioners. They always double down on denying things that can be proven like a six-year-old caught with his hand in the cookie jar

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Yes, I remember the assist packs and the drop your body assist. Hubbard dictated the mind set for his staff and his followers. He put people in three categories:

1. Useful

2. no longer useful

3. enemies.

He only put energy towards 1 and 3. You are ignored if you are in category 2. When I left Scientology I realized there are no friendships in the cherch. Only useful relationships that help you get up “the bridge to total freedom”. How horrible to think in those terms. What a sad and toxic existence.

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Perhaps the reader will testfy at the hearing. Should make quite an impact. My mind is still processing it. I hate Scientology more and more and I was never involved in it.

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Same here, I was almost persuaded to go in and do a personality test. Thank God I didn’t

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The closet I got was a friend gave me a copy of Dianetics and after reading a few pages, it didn't make sense to me, thankfully. I feel for all the people who got sucked in, not only in Scientology, but any cult. Life is difficult enough without being brainwashed and taught to hurt others.

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What a horrific story. I hope "Emily" also left the cult.

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I am tired and I seriously saw that poster as someone handing someone else a hotdog and now I'm hungry. Thanks, Scientology!

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