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We both thought pay day, but I originally went somewhere else. I thought he was expecting CoS to jump in before more discovery exhibits were presented that could show what he was doing for them.

P.S. This is why I choose the bear.

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The justice system, starting with the criminal, needs to do a lot better to represent the victims of rape in a fair and just way.

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There is no justice in the court system, Tony--anywhere. They're all corrupt. I share your anguish and anger, and intend the Gold-Smith's received a good settlement. I don't know if I could let him off the hook, but what do you do when nobody in the court or law enforcement cares. This world is spiraling out of control.

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How does a retired police officer get off being prosecuted when there's clear video evidence to support bringing charges?

Is he a Kha Khan former officer, did he do such important stuff and valuable stuff that he's immune now?

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