What an ass, trying to discredit Tony as a journalist. Is he still working for Scientology?

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Once the Leah court case begins the amount of money and Human Resources expended by Scientology I think will be beyond anyone’s imagination. This will include PIs, Lawyers hiring PIs and numerous church members and OSA staff. This one PI is the tip of the iceberg. And Scientology is not going to be able to cover it up. They will be subpoenaed.

Now’s the time to expose the cherch’s crimes.

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Why not Ford Lincoln Mercury Sable?? It worked in the Conehead movie. 'I forget'... 'I don't remember'....how convenient.

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Mercedes Bentley Lamborghini 😉

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Watching the teaser for 60 minutes again, I realized something: if you watch Ashton and Mila’s full pow video, Ashton and Mila said they were asked to write these letters. McKenzie Phillips was in court for awhile supporting Danny then stopped coming. She and Chynna did not write letters. That says a lot to me.

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Mr Ford Pinto isn’t doing himself any favors with that smirk. No, dude you aren’t smarter than everyone. I wish the news outlets here had the cajones the Aussies do.

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Kudos to Aussie journalists for once again not giving a f*** about how Scientology is going to respond to their coverage!

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Dicen que Alberto Einstein dijo ( no sabemos si atormentado..) que cuando la persona buena no actúa, el mal avanza"

( también lo dijo como sabeis, Nicolás Cage en " el señor de la guerra ")

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Call me crazy, but I think this guy is lying. https://time.com/5443204/signs-lying-body-language-experts/

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Clearly. His body language spoke volumes about conceit and the way he hesitated, eye roll please, felt like he was searching for a non-truth that would appear as truth. Gotcha buddy!

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I’m 99.9% sure that every time he says, “I don’t recall,” the answer is “yes” These people are master racketeers.

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Of course he has amnesia when asked about his sketchy PI assignments but he miraclously remembers about Tony being "obsessed" with Scientology and reporting on it.

"Sir, do you remember was the sky blue?"

"I don't recall."

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A piece of shit has more integrity than that guy. Ugh.

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what silly name the guy has

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Moretti Ford... 🤔

Supercar « italo-américaine » !

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Oh! Sunday !! 😃 Yes!! But what do I say? ..yes for me the days are very similar... Today I want to take the car and the camera. Oh, I love cars, I have had more than twenty different models throughout my life (none expensive) and they all had something that made them special. Better a classic or discontinued model, with less technology.

Do you really need heated seats? Wrap up well! we already know, the more things you have, the more things can break, even if you are in someone else's car, there is also a risk of breakage; because there are unbalanced people driving.

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Doesn't seem like a very good PI if he can't recall much information. I feel Ashton and his wife apologized because of the feedback from their fans. Ashton looiks like he just crawled out of bed. Just sayin'.

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this guy shitting on tony doesn't understand that his words are worth 0

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Amazing he can “remember” Tony is a disgraced editor of Village Voice but not much else. Guess that’s the Scn propaganda about Tony 🙄

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Sep 15, 2023
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🤣 it’s about the only thing that he does remember. Can’t seem to “recall” a whole lot of other things that you’d think would be easy to remember.....liar!

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That's because he doesn't take pills for partial amnesia brand: 'memories'

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