From the point of view of image the new church building could have two functions. First as a presence in Hollywood, it is a traditional looking church so it reinforces the assertion that Scn is a legitimate religious organization. It could have church functions for the public and they would feel comfortable. Secondly it’s photogenic and can be used my media productions for all kinds of shoots to convey how churchy scientology is. I suspect that mini-mousecavige got reports from somewhere that his “religion” looks like a business, not a church and since Davey gets bugs up his ass easily he ordered “find me a church that looks authentic, NOW!”. Those are my thoughts from an PR standpoint. For those don’t know me, I was involved in creating music for Scientology media for 40 years.

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Wow! miscavige really does play roulette with all his properties!

The only thing I can think of is, miscavige wants to inflate the number of newly purchased buildings to the “ faithful whale flock “ if there are any whales still giving Big Bucks 24/7.

Making it appear that the Cult is booming but in reality is in free fall as bodies walking in and clamoring for services is not “ straight up & vertical “ 🤑😛

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Plus, it’s a church building, which to Davy boy is sure proof that they ARE a religion, smh

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My best guess would be because dave needs to spend some of his (C of S) accumulated wealth. What better to buy and accumulate more wealth than more tax free church property.

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I was going to say the same thing. Another building off the tax roles. He’s playing Scien-Oporto. Too bad he doesn’t land on a square that says go to jail.

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Love this Mary.

Excellent post.

💛 you!

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My guess:

As a lowly, reactive-mind-haunted, suppressive, scientology-detesting meat-sack, I can't hope to understand the intergalactic viewpoint and thetanic brilliance of Teegeeack's foremost Pimping Pontiff, but... I am betting that this purchase is a part of a larger scheme to salvage this sector of the universe...

Perhaps after Sunny gets Tony on to the OT(Oscillating Tofu) levels, he'll "cognite" about the grander, scienbollocks narrative that this real estate purchase is a part of...

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That rotten Bridge is swaying low with all the weight of the miscavige hordes breaking down the doors and smashing windows,to Get Up that Bridge ! Ha Ha! miscavige.

More like sabotage at 3:00 am!

Thank you for your post Mark❤️

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I think that Mustravige just wants his people to be closer to a Burger King, a Burrito store and Zankoo Chicken and of course, the 7-11. What Sea bOrg doesn't want a big Gulp once in a while? And don't forget the hot dogs on those heated rollers. Yum, yum.

I wonder what the building will look like when it gets it 'double cross' on the top?

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My guess is that its for some kind of PR push.

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Apr 12, 2023
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The brown-suited rue canoe captain is scheduled to give a lecture series there:

"Strategic Thesaurus Humping and The Hermeneutics of Miscavage's Post-Hubbard

Scientology". Tickets, at 47 cents each, are on sale now at the L.A. Org.

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Oh Goodie!

I can now go and bask in the darkness of an extremely erudite lecturer for Only 47 cents!

And to think I only paid 47 million to go OT to infinity!


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Erudite? Hmmmm...🤔

He seems to be a traumatized blow-hard to me. I hope he finds his way out of Hubbard Hell and Miscavige Whoredom...

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Apr 12, 2023
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thank you chukicita. Good points.🧡

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