As usual Miscavige likes to spout statistics that mean next to nothing.

“45 million humanitarian materials were distributed”(4500 rolls of toilet paper distributed and each individual piece in each roll is counted as a humanitarian material)

“ 29,000 new "partnerships" with government agencies were formed”(every Scientologist filing their tax return or getting a drivers license renewed is a new partnership)

“ Scientology TV gained 20 million new viewers”(actually people spending more than a minute on the channel to laugh their ass’s off, or watching a film from a clueless non-Scientology director, or what Direct TV says regarding numbers of their subscribers)

What utter meaningless dog excrement David spouts.

From the photos Tony posted I would guess the actual mental age of those attending is between 4 to 6 years old. They love BIG numbers and SHINY objects.

I was there once. Sad and sick.

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Far be it for me to criticize anyone's fashion choice, but Trish Duggan's dress looks like it was ripped off of some over the top window treatment. Jenna Elfman's red dress looks like it was taken off some automobile cover. And that upalumpa in the red thing next to the Duggans looks like someone cosplaying a Willy Wonka movie. As for the $cieno statistics, reality never intruded into any of those numbers. Still, it looks like Miscavige got his moment in the klieg lights and his ego stroked. And the Whales got more loving and worship and regging.

All in all, everyone seems to have had a good time and they proved their fealty to the Niblet. As intended.

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Dave seems to be one of those people who can never have enough until he has had too much.

If it's lights, they aren't bright enough until they are blinding.

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Yeah, in Copenhagen, Nordland certainly has had scaffolding up during the last months. Maybe even taken down very recently. Funny thing, it is no more than three-fou years since they were up the last time, if memory serves me. (No, I do not keep accurate track of the Cph infestations of the criminal organisation known as the « church » of $cientology - why bother?)

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All those shiny medals of honor on display I’m just ... meh. A few people crowded together worshipping a skinny aging liar. I’ll pass.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Wait, Tom Cruise wasn't in the front row?!

Also, the idea that Scientology TV got 20 million new viewers is patently insane, since even the most committed Scientology critics & watchers don't bother with it as it's ridiculously boring & repetitive. My guess is that they have been advertising on YouTube, so 20 million people saw their thumbnails and didn't click on them. Just out of curiosity, I opened YouTube in an incognito window (I don't want to mess up my algorithm!) and the top result when searching for Scientology TV was an anemic "Way to Happiness"-themed rap number by The Real Kodde One, which gained some notoriety a couple of years ago due to its use of a KC Chiefs Coach Andy Reid impersonator.

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I agree with Ze Moo, the fashion sense was sorely lacking at the gala. Jenna must have napped too late to do her hair for the emceeing. Tragic.

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Her look clearly says “boy oh boy I get to be the poster girl to pretend scientology gives a rats ass about any charity”.

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Question: Was anyone able to find out if Janet from the London org was put into the RPF (because of the protests) or allowed to remain in her normal position?

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oh dear leader

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Psycho eyes, he has. Or is that "intention"?

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Macallan-lubricated, sadism-stoked intergallactic nutter eyes...

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All these people are extremely egotistical and would prefer to see their names in lights than opening their eyes to see what's really going on with their money and inside Scientology. They would prefer the fame rather than helping those who could really use their help. It's disgusting! THANK YOU Tony for always keeping us informed.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

The 29,000 new partnerships with government agencies, even if there were actually 900, would be bad business...

It does not specify whether they are American government agencies, but it can be assumed that they are from all over the world.

You don't specify what you mean by “associations”, but I would bet that they are “collaborations”, perhaps being unofficially associated, I highly doubt it when it comes to openly saying who they are. It does not specify the term "agencies", but I do not think they are the agricultural departments of governments, and if it were what I have been thinking for a long time (I speculate) it would be to facilitate the work of the authorities. The authorities provide information of government interest. By having Scientology informants they are very cheap, widely available and in many segments of society.

I hope my speculations are wrong.

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