It wasn’t for nothing that Tommy Davis stated that “disconnection” is essential to the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. At the same time, maybe there’s something going on with Bob and the Damnation Navy is having doubts about him, so Liz might get a result by being persistent. There are stories about family members making such a lot of fuss that the Co$ let the victim go.

Why a criminal organisation should be allowed to exercise this level of undue influence, while benefitting from legal protection and status as a charity because “church,” is a question for the proper authorities...

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What are the odds that Bob Ferris was also told that his daughter was dead?

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I wonder how many lives have been ruined or destroyed by Lyintology in the name of spiritual freedom?

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What does Bob Ferris know that keeps him prisoner? Why does Bob not try to contact his family? I smell a lot of bovine excrement and someone senior to everyone at Gold just issuing his/her fiat and expected everyone else to just bow to their 'intention'.

I wonder if Bob Ferris and perhaps everyone else in the Clampire over 65 are collecting SSI or SSR? Could that be a significant income at Gold? Perhaps Gold is now the retirement village of the Hubster? Hiding anyone's family member and not allowing them contact with the outside world is beyond Culty, it is criminal.

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Based on the toxic environment of the SO which creates 24/7 high stress levels it’s possible that people like Bob are functional with limited cognitive health so they are easily controlled.

Cancer, Alzheimer’s and dementia are all byproducts of Scientology. And as mentioned in the comments Gold may be the retirement community for over the hill SO members.

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I think that is more and more true, that the old Sea Orgers end up at Gold. My family member has been there 50 years or so, and I know she has diminished physical and mental capacity - she is not much good for doing the work anymore.

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And once again, something that is beyond belief in the USA. Where is the backbone of law enforcement in this country? I know that the majority of the people are afraid to speak up about the crimes of the cultists, but it is unbelievable that they can use our tax money to fund the use of private investigators, lawyers and others to harass and attempt to destroy the lives and property of those who speak out. THIS is what freedom of speech is about Davy, you keep accusing people of hate speech and the only person that I can see engaging in hate speech is you and your so called church

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Non-censored response: If he was "dead" wouldn't there be no need to have a freeloader's debt because they should believe he will return to work in his next lifetime? I thought that was the basis behind it being a 'billion years'.

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My god.......THIS is why.

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<censors expletive laden response>

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