Thanks to one of our readers, we have another Scientology fundraising letter, and this one is particularly interesting because it claims that construction has begun on the Ideal Org project in Puerto Rico. Didn’t Boston say it was going to be next? Those Beantown OTs better pick up the pace!
Dear [redacted] —
I thought it might be helpful to provide a recap of where we stand vis-a-vis the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico and our Flag OTC fundraising activities.
The Ideal Org of Puerto Rico is the only Org that’s under construction at this time. That’s because you and your fellow parishioners in Puerto Rico and in our Flag Field and beyond have generously raised the tens of millions necessary. Take a bow, [redacted]!
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) is where the MEST of Scientology blends with the Theta of Tech Delivery. And again, because of you and your fellow parishioners we met our initial $5.25 million target — so important as FF&E needs to dovetail with building construction. Take another bow, [redacted]!
Fundraising is not done yet, though. We’re waiting for a final figure. And once that’s known, we’ll know exactly what’s needed to complete fundraising for the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico. And, if experience is a guide, that precise figure, once known, will get retired very quickly.
What all this means, of course, is that fundraising for the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico is ongoing. We still need your flows, [redacted]. Any amount helps get us closer to the done we’re all so looking forward to. And, it also helps you get your name “On the Wall,” on the honor roll plaque, at the level you’d like.
With that understanding, please make a flow today here:
The impact of your flows, the impact of having an Ideal Org of Puerto Rico is so enormous, it can’t be understated. The 45+ million of the Caribbean will have access to real solutions that will improve their lives immediately and for all eternity.
Ideal Orgs are how the planet will get Cleared. And, by your flows, by your positive postulates, you are helping to make planetary clearing a reality, [redacted]. Thank you!
With much love and mucho gratitude,
Flag OTC Fundraising Team
Wait, there’s more! The same reader got this “locational” assist as well!
Dear [redacted] —
As we’re continuing to fundraise for the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico, I thought it would be a good idea — in a new unit of time — to provide a locational on Puerto Rico to give some mass on why what we’re creating there is SO crucial.
Please take a good look at this map.
Puerto Rico, with a population of over 3.2 million, is a major anchor point in the Caribbean. That region is home to over 45+ million! People who are enslaved by the reactive mind. People who are looking for real solutions to life’s problems. People who, like all of us, seek to better themselves and their families and their communities.
As the Freewinds sails around the Caribbean, it attracts reaches from everywhere it goes. And it will be so epic when they actually can send folks to the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico to do their Bridge. Imagine!
Once Puerto Rico is opened, they’ll have an Ideal Org with a full complement of OEC and FEBC-trained execs ready to help them go free and to get on the road to living the life they’ve always imagined for themselves.
As a key Org in the Flag Alliance, Puerto Rico is the only Class V Org currently under construction — anywhere. Soon, the aspirations of the entire region will have a chance to be realized.
Our help — your help — is critical to getting the job done. You’ve helped all along the journey, and we’ve made great strides. Now’s not the time to let up, [redacted]. Please make a flow at Your flows are so important right now as wait to hear the “final figure” of what’s needed to get building fundraising to a Done.
There’s still time to become an Alumni (and higher status) and to see your name acknowledged on the Wall — at the level you envision. If you’re not sure what your current status is, send me an email and I’ll find out for you.
With every new step taken on the Bridge to total Freedom at the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico, whether by new public or current parishioners, you’ll feel that special unspoken joy of accomplishment knowing you’ve helped make their access to freedom possible. Kind of makes the heart swell with pride, doesn’t it?
We totally appreciate you, [redacted], for all you do!
With much love and mucho gratitude,
Flag OTC Fundraising Team
Once again, we have to ask, does this pitch seem persuasive to you? How about if you were still in Scientology (if you were)?
Meanwhile, from another reader, we have this item that was found in a Scientology group on Facebook, regarding someone looking for help with their Oak Cove digs (a resort on the campus of the Flag Land Base, Scientology’s “spiritual mecca” in Clearwater, Florida).
It’s another piece of evidence proving that the concept of “dropping the body” is a common one in Scientology, despite the denials the church put out after the Whitney Mills wrongful death lawsuit became public…
Also, people are living at the Oak Cove with their cats? Who knew.
And one more item from our tipsters.
Someone forked over $1.5 million for one of Dave’s new dumps!
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If you need help with your 'flows', get some of those pills that helps with enlarged prostates. I think it illuminating that 'only' 5.25 million has been raised and that the actual target will be announced later. Talk about moving the carrot on the mule.
Giving Puerto Rico the Caribbean as it sales territory just shows proper organization of the business. And business it is, just one that sells woo to anyone it can. I can see that Puerto Rico would be a very nice posting for staff and Sea bOrg. But getting that 'real job' so you can eat may be a problem.
The depth of brainwashing is beyond belief. Scientology members handing over their money for the endorphin rush, status and delusion that they are making an impact on our planet. It’s my contention that Scientology is creating the exact opposite of Hubbards “Aims of Scientology-A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights.” The Scientology organizations are doing a very good job of fomenting insanity.
What about Ukraine, Hungary, North Korea and Russia. Has Scientology made them better?
I watched the R.N.C. and it appears they are following in the footsteps of Hubbards cult. That 4 day event reminded me of the hundreds of events I attended for the church. Insane, zealots. So is Miscavige’s Ideal Org plan “clearing the planet or smearing the planet”. What do you think?