“As the Freewinds sails around the Caribbean, it attracts roaches from everywhere it goes.”

Fixed it.

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If you need help with your 'flows', get some of those pills that helps with enlarged prostates. I think it illuminating that 'only' 5.25 million has been raised and that the actual target will be announced later. Talk about moving the carrot on the mule.

Giving Puerto Rico the Caribbean as it sales territory just shows proper organization of the business. And business it is, just one that sells woo to anyone it can. I can see that Puerto Rico would be a very nice posting for staff and Sea bOrg. But getting that 'real job' so you can eat may be a problem.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Dave, if “experience were a guide” then you would already know how to budget a capital campaign. You would know to build in the likely adjustments, increase in materials costs, and at least one redesign. You wouldn’t be “waiting on the final figure.”

This is the first time I have ever seen a dollar amount attached to any portion of a Scn capital campaign - over $5 million for furniture. Doesn’t Scientology, Inc. make its own furniture with slave labor?

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The depth of brainwashing is beyond belief. Scientology members handing over their money for the endorphin rush, status and delusion that they are making an impact on our planet. It’s my contention that Scientology is creating the exact opposite of Hubbards “Aims of Scientology-A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights.” The Scientology organizations are doing a very good job of fomenting insanity.

What about Ukraine, Hungary, North Korea and Russia. Has Scientology made them better?

I watched the R.N.C. and it appears they are following in the footsteps of Hubbards cult. That 4 day event reminded me of the hundreds of events I attended for the church. Insane, zealots. So is Miscavige’s Ideal Org plan “clearing the planet or smearing the planet”. What do you think?

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The more I learn about Scientology, the more familiar it seems compared to Q-MAGA koolaid the GOP drank

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It was Deja Vu for me. Very uncomfortable to watch yet another cult on national TV.

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1. It would be interesting all the municipalities being told CoS is working on their abandoned buildings to see the claim that only PR is being renovated.

2. I think it's great we get to see these items. I also know they keep people on for the stats. But, if they would be honest and fix their records they wouldn't give ex-Scis all this information they keep getting mad are posted publicly. :)

3. They don't know what the final figure is yet, but please send money in anyway. Don't worry, they'll either have magically got enough flows in your fit the exact amount needed OR (more likely) it won't have been enough and you'll need to do more flows. Open up your checkbooks Humanitarians!

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I wish they’d get shut down! One more org, one or more victims. Enough!

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Aside: Speaking of Facebook posts. Whatever happened with the young kids who were going to be forced to do the Purif in Denmark?

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