Yesterday we pointed out that the Scientologists who appeared in church propaganda about forking over huge sums of money for leader David Miscavige’s vanity initiatives tend to be reaching their retirement years.
But today’s mailer that was forwarded to us by a reader reminds us that Scientology’s own perception of itself is very different. This is the organization, after all, that literally printed up T-shirts with the slogan “Coolest Religion on Earth,” and that loves to recruit young people with the idea that there’s actually something hip about being an indentured servant at one of Miscavige’s expensive cathedrals.
The mailer was sent out by the Pasadena Ideal Org, which opened for business back in 2010 and has had zero impact on that Southern California town since then. And in fact, the photo that they sent out, showing some young good-looking types doing their best to look like the cool kids, was taken inside the Flag Building atrium in Clearwater, Florida, where staffers are sent for special training.
What is this flier intended to convey to the actual dwindling and aging (and almost entirely white) remaining L. Ron Hubbard fans in Pasadena? Send us your kid, and we’ll ship them off to Florida to turn them into the advance shock troops of the Coolest Religion on Earth’s planetary takeover?
We’d love to hear what our veteran former church members here at the Bunker think about this image and what it’s trying to say to today’s remaining Scientologists.
We also can’t help thinking of the way the London staff was trying market itself during the pandemic, also with the same sort of appeal.
This is a reflection of Miscavige’s concept of what’s cool, right? Fascinating.
New information about Emily Armstrong at the Daily Beast
Reporter Sean Craig contacted us some time ago about a piece he was working on for The Daily Beast about new Linkin Park singer Emily Armstrong.
We had dug up some things of our own about Emily’s mother, Gail Armstrong, who is a longtime Sea Org member and was, Mike Rinder told us, actually in the infamous Sea Org prison ‘The Hole’ with him back in 2006 or 2007.
Sean found great new material about Emily’s own background in Scientology’s notorious Cadet Org that has been the subject of many exposes in the past. And in particular, he found, Emily appeared under a pseudonym (“Ava”) in Katherine Spallino’s book about growing up in the strange outfit, The Bad Cadet, which we told you about in 2023.
The new article documents how there’s simply no question that Armstrong experienced the harrowing deprivations of growing up being groomed to be one of Scientology’s future Sea Org slaves. And her mother is still doing that to this day and took part in a retaliation campaign against Mike Rinder.
What a remarkable background for a singer of a band like Linkin Park, right?
Bonus items from our tipsters
It’s that time of year again! With the end of 2024 rapidly approaching, here’s one more opportunity for you to dig deep, pilgrims, and send a giant donation to David Miscavige and write it off on your taxes!
There are countless reasons to journey up the Bridge to Total Freedom: increased awareness, heightened abilities, the chance to live at cause for now and all eternity. And if you make your donations before the end of the year, there’s another benefit.
Because your donations for many Scientology training and auditing services are tax-deductible, donating before December 31, 2024, may lower your income taxes. You save money—all while securing your Bridge.
These tax benefits also cover contributions to the US IAS Members’ Trust* as well as for the creation of Ideal Orgs and the completion of LRH Hall.
Seize the moment to lower your taxes as you raise your awareness and abilities.
Don’t miss this deadline. Secure your eternity today.
Contact your tax advisor for more details and to ensure you receive the maximum tax benefits for your donations.
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Source Code: Actual things founder L. Ron Hubbard said on this date in history
Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
Past is Prologue: From this week in history at alt.religion.scientology
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The photo of the $cieno hipsters is cringe worthy. No one in a steak house suit is going to get any one in the clampire for less than a blooming onion and a pitcher of beer. But like much in the $cienoverse, that pic is for internal consumption. Maybe a few under 15 year old clams could see themselves serving steak or parking cars, but anyone above that age knows to back away and leave the room with any excuse they can come up with.
The Pasadena org promotion piece says a lot regarding body language. The posing looks very much like an improve comedy ensemble like Saturday Night Live or the Groundlings. And each person was carefully posed. Where the arms and hands are positioned tells a lot. IMO the gen Z’s would reject this image wholesale. The boomer generation in Scientology probably looks the promotional photo and says, “such cute kids”. We want to be around such youthful staff. The problem with Scientologists, they do not mature. Brainwashed children.