The minute your article mentioned STAND league, I knew they would be spewing a barrel of lies. I hope someday to read a book written by a STAND league defector on what it felt like to shake off the chains of cognitive dissonance after they escaped Scientology.

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STAND editors write for the audience of one, David Miscavige. It explains their blindness to the outside world's view of things.

Scientology's pegged at Miscavige's ignorance of the world.

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… anything to hang on to the handful of members it has left.

You’d think IT would just stop being so mean and maybe gain members.

Oh wait. Never mind. I forgot about the number one goal of IT (scientology). Money. Hang on to the Less-than-a-handful that will donate to IT until IT (ITs leader) dies.

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Scientology bolstering their "income sources" with their best Miscavige/OSA/Hubbard word spinning.

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Jacques Peterson writes very well. His screeds touched on the big names in the $cienoverse and for that he had to be 'fair gamed'. All of the rest of the twitter fight look like a battle among sock puppets.

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The pot calling the kettle black

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The ignorant leading the more ignorant.

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Well, I for one treasure my Stand League page as a proud “enabler” of a certain “hate blogger” we all know and enable. I’m only sad that they never bothered to give me credit for my cheesy novel, videos, shoops and moribund blog focused on Hubbard’s long con.

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I get there's some leeway if they want to call STAND "grassroots", but the language and tone and writings by "Martin London" definitely are problematic. This is coming from the most "ethical" people on the planet who are 'against discrimination'? How is that approach going to KSW?

P.S. Sex work is work. Full stop.

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Classic Scientology hypocrisy. Martin Landon is a fake. And this fake is accusing Peterson of being false. The minions of Scientology are so brainwashed they have no sense of the real world and how crazy the appear.

They are a legion sociopaths who manage to function enough to donate their time and money to forwarding the tainted philosophy of L. Ron Hubbard. They once again STAND alone as complete fools.

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"A Day In the Life of an OSA staffer" would be a great TV show.

"Scientology's 10th and 12th Floors, Hollywood, Keeping Up the "Religion Angle" Scientology Empire"

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May 25
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Nothing there to look at.

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