What could an honest 'museum' show about Lron? His attempt to salt Polly's family farm with gold? His Caribbean expedition that did nothing but waste time and money. His college years (both of them) and his actual report cards. His glorious Naval career? His attempt (partially successful) to get veterans benefits for his mental problems. And of course, his 'I didn't have a second wife' years. The clampire has been called many things, but Scampire seems so appropriate.

"Move up in status today" Why not just sell indulgences or hand out big certificates with a 'you are a superman' legend? Those poor bastards don't even get a nice tee shirt to brag about.

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Claire, her earlier spouse, David Rousseau, were the duo team with Hubbard for a short time, I hope in or possibly in Janis Gillham Grady's third book, or her second book, the significance of Claire's upclose dedication to being in the top entourage around Hubbard, she and David were kind of like the Mike and Kima Douglas duo earlier to Hubbard, or like Annie and Pat Broeker were to Hubbard, at the end of Hubbard's life.

Claire watching, IS historically major coverage, something NOT many observers of the whole Hubbard Scientology saga appreciate.

This is a huge snippet of the history of the final decade of entourage persons around Hubbard, and those still alive today, what those former "top" entourage persons' actions and loyalties are today.

Claire kind of is even "higher" in the Hubbard entourage history than is Miscavige. She did duty Miscavige never even did.

To appreciate this pecking order of people who served LRH, she was upclose allowed to be around Hubbard which only those other similar duo pairs, were.

She'd be someone who I hope has told others' stories about her time with David when they were around Hubbard.

Likely Rudy has heard the watered down stories Claire lived.

So if they ever got out, their stories would be interesting to confirm how really odd life with Hubbard was.

EXCELLENT focus on the Rudy and Claire pair, and attention on them, always has this importance.

Janis I hope explains in her books, why the Claire and David pair came to an end, what circumstances resulted in them as a pair, being replaced by the final pair, Annie and Pat.

NOTEWORTHY today's article!!!

On the scale of "LRH facetime cred", Claire's got top clique cred very few ever got.

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A couple more thoughts.

a) Lauri Webster's fundraising plea is less Hard Sell than past LRH building fundraising pleas. Made me think this is a conscious recent strategic fundraising fork in the road, for now. No pushing people into debt for the building, way less pushy than the decades of the Flag Building fundraising. I wonder if this recent years busting of the regges (salespeople fundraisers of Scientology) is a significant lessening of LRH's Hard Sell policies. It seems so.

b) Looking way ahead, like 10-20 years from now, when the LRH Hall and museum is finally in use for big events, and also used for touring "allies" through the LRH museum part, this obviously will eventually be something to "look forward" to, if they get to it, before us outsiders who have really deep history grasp of the whole Scientology empire saga, are around. I don't look forward to the building, but it's a curiosity. Part of the glitzier aspect of the L. Ron Hubbard debris trail here on earth.

The "LRH Life Exhibition" in the Hollywood Guarantee "middle upper management" building in Hollywood, on the boulevard, is one of the gaudiest overhyping of L. Ron Hubbard's life.

When I worked at Author Services Inc, my then spouse and I toured her mother though the "LRH Life Exhibition" and my mother in law, almost collapsed in disgust. He had to get to the rest room to puke.

I can only finally think that the "LRH museum" part of the future "LRH Hall and museum" will be an even grander disgusting laying out of L. Ron Hubbard's belongings and historical knick knacks on a more bizarre look into the past, trying to inflate Hubbard on a more ridiculous and unworthy scale. It will make more smarter outsiders puke, and I hope the LRH museum has some barf bags. "This is true", my then mother in law nearly retched, there was no place for her to sit down, and she had to get to the restroom, in the LRH Life Exhibition, except walk back to the reception. I also hope the LRH museum has nearby restrooms for collapsing guests.

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"With the thousands of hours of lectures LRH delivered all over the world, ‘with his love of mankind’ and his legacy gifted to this planet, we are honored to say that we contributed to the hall dedicated to L. Ron Hubbard.”

“HUBBARDS LOVE OF MANKIND”. Hubbard was responsible for leading how many of us into the black hole of lies and insanity. If you look closely into the eyes of the happy financial contributors, they are sad and mentally unbalanced. Hubbard was a master of gaslighting.

He was one sick f—k.

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I hope people have been collecting memorabilia for the museum. The pills that Ron was taking, a recreation of the first Hole, costumes worn during his rituals with Jack Parsons, the papers where he was named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

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Scientologists: If Scientology is expanding at exponential rates and (allegedly) has millions of members, why does it take so many years to fundraise for these things? Why are there only 11,000 donors over the years to a hall and museum dedicated to Source? Shouldn't there be enough members to each donate so no one has to give over 4 million just to one building?

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